My top level verilog module declares signals for the four LEDs on the myStorm ice40 board, which are labelled "LED1-LED4".
module top (
output [4:1] LED
assign LED = 4'b1010;
I use the same numbering in the .pcf file:
set_io LED[1] 37
set_io LED[2] 38
set_io LED[3] 39
set_io LED[4] 41
But in the .blif output, yosys has renumbered the signals:
.model top
.outputs LED[0] LED[1] LED[2] LED[3]
so arachne-pnr complains:
top.pcf:4: fatal error: no port `LED[4]' in top-level module `top'
Does yosys expect that top level vector ports are always numbered from zero?