我有点要素类的列表。我正在尝试编写一个 python 脚本来执行克里金插值。我在此代码中收到错误消息“Point_Num”未定义,
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Check out the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension license
In_Point = r"D:\NPP_Test\MERRA_TEMP_2012C" #(Point feature name:r001_mean, r002_mean.....r012_mean )
Out_Raster = r"D:\NPP_Test\MERRA_TEMP_2012D"
points = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
zFields = "GRID_CODE"
#Kriging Veriable
cellSize = 0.05
lagSize = 0.5780481172534
majorRange = 6
partialSill = 3.304292110
nugget = 0.002701348
kRadius = RadiusFixed(20000, 1)
#Mask region of interest
mask = r"D:\Gujarta Shape file\GUJARATSTATE.shp"
for zField in zFields:
Point = Point_Num[:3]
kModelUniversalObj = KrigingModelUniversal("LINEARDRIFT", lagSize, majorRange, partialSill, nugget)
OutKriging = Kriging(inPointFeatures, zField, kModelUniversalObj, cellSize, kRadius)
#IDWMASk = ExtractByMask(outIDW, mask)
KrigMask = ExtractByMask(OutKriging, mask)
#Save outraster as the same name of input