我正在尝试在 ios 10 中实现丰富的远程通知。我已经实现了这段代码。收到通知后的控件就到这里了,但是不知道怎么下载图片并在通知中显示。提前致谢。
class NotificationService: UNNotificationServiceExtension {
var contentHandler: ((UNNotificationContent) -> Void)?
var bestAttemptContent: UNMutableNotificationContent?
override func didReceive(_ request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
self.contentHandler = contentHandler
bestAttemptContent = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent)
if let bestAttemptContent = bestAttemptContent {
// Modify the notification content here...
//print("title for image = \(bestAttemptContent.title)")
bestAttemptContent.title = "\(bestAttemptContent.title) [modified]"
override func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() {
// Called just before the extension will be terminated by the system.
// Use this as an opportunity to deliver your "best attempt" at modified content, otherwise the original push payload will be used.
if let contentHandler = contentHandler, let bestAttemptContent = bestAttemptContent {