我正在为 8 谜题实现具有曼哈顿距离的 A 星算法。[解决方案是螺旋形式]

1 2 3
8 0 4
7 6 5

在某些情况下,从 A 到 B 的步数与从 B 到 A 的步数不同。


 7 6 4 
 1 0 8 
 2 3 5

 (A -> B)

 7 6 4 
 1 8 0 
 2 3 5 

 (B -> A)

 7 6 4 
 1 3 8 
 2 0 5



 def solve(self):
    cost = 0
    priority = 0
    self.parents[str(self.start)] = (None, 0, 0)
    open = p.pr() #priority queue
    open.add(0, self.start, cost)
    while open:
       current = open.get()
       if current == self.goal:
        return self.print_solution(current)
       parent = self.parents[str(current)]
       cost = self.parents[str(current)][2] + 1
       for new_state in self.get_next_states(current):
         if str(new_state[0]) not in self.parents or cost < self.parents[str(new_state[0])][2]:
           priority = self.f(new_state) + cost
           open.add(priority, new_state[0], cost)
           self.parents[str(new_state[0])] = (current, priority, cost)

1 回答 1



 def get_next_states(self, mtx, direction):
    n = self.n
    pos = mtx.index(0)
    if  direction != 1 and pos < self.length and (pos + 1) % n: 
      yield (self.swap(pos, pos + 1, mtx),pos, 3)
    if  direction != 2 and pos < self.length - self.n:
      yield (self.swap(pos, pos + n, mtx),pos, 4)
    if  direction != 3 and pos > 0 and pos % n:
     yield (self.swap(pos, pos - 1, mtx),pos, 1)
    if  direction != 4 and pos > n - 1:
     yield (self.swap(pos, pos - n, mtx),pos, 2)

它在这个函数中。最后一个 if 曾经是“if 4 and pos > n:” 所以有未探索的状态.. 2 天为“-1”


于 2016-11-24T22:17:06.390 回答