1. 有谁知道 VB6 格式字符串的好参考?
  2. 有谁知道从 VB6 格式化字符串到 .NET 字符串的转换器?

我正在将大型 VB6 代码库移植到 .NET。它是一个以数据库为中心的软件,数据库本身包含 VB6 格式字符串,这些字符串稍后会被加载并用于显示数据库中的其他数据。



3 回答 3


VB6 使用的格式化程序实际上是内置在操作系统中的。Oleaut32.dll,VarFormat() 函数。考虑到有多少代码依赖它,它已经存在了 15 年并且将永远存在。尝试将格式字符串转换为 .NET 复合格式字符串是一项无望的任务。只需使用操作系统功能。


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        Console.WriteLine(Vb6Format("hi there", ">"));
        Console.WriteLine(Vb6Format("hI tHeRe", "<"));
        Console.WriteLine(Vb6Format("hi there", ">!@@@... not @@@@@"));

    public static string Vb6Format(object expr, string format) {
        string result;
        int hr = VarFormat(ref expr, format, 0, 0, 0, out result);
        if (hr != 0) throw new COMException("Format error", hr);
        return result;
    [DllImport("oleaut32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    private static extern int VarFormat(ref object expr, string format, int firstDay, int firstWeek, int flags,
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] out string result);
于 2010-11-01T20:40:22.757 回答


于 2010-11-01T20:14:38.367 回答

这是一些 F# 代码,可将大多数预定义和自定义 VB6 样式的数字和日期格式字符串转换为适合String.Format. 当然,它很容易从 C# 或 VB 中调用。

open System

module VB6Format =

    /// Converts a VB6-style format string to something suitable for String.Format()
    let Convert(vb6Format) =
        if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vb6Format) then "{0}" else
        match if vb6Format.Length > 1 then vb6Format.ToUpperInvariant() else vb6Format with
        // PREDEFINED NUMERIC: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y006s0cz(v=vs.71).aspx
        | "GENERAL NUMBER" | "G"       -> "{0:G}"
        | "g"                          -> "{0:g}"
        | "CURRENCY" | "C" | "c"       -> "{0:C}"
        | "FIXED" | "F"                -> "{0:F}"
        | "f"                          -> "{0:f}"
        | "STANDARD" | "N" | "n"       -> "{0:N}"
        | "PERCENT" | "P" | "p"        -> "{0:P}"
        | "SCIENTIFIC"                 -> "{0:E2}"
        | "E" | "e"                    -> "{0:E6}"
        | "D" | "d"                    -> "{0:D}"
        | "X" | "x"                    -> "{0:X}"
        | "YES/NO" | "ON/OFF"          // we can't support these
        | "TRUE/FALSE"                 -> "{0}"
        // PREDEFINED DATE/TIME: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/362btx8f(v=VS.71).aspx
        | "GENERAL DATE" | "G"         -> "{0:G}"
        | "LONG DATE" | "D"            -> "{0:D}"
        | "MEDIUM DATE"
        | "SHORT DATE" | "d"           -> "{0:d}"
        | "LONG TIME" | "T"            -> "{0:T}"
        | "MEDIUM TIME"
        | "SHORT TIME" | "t"           -> "{0:t}"
        | "M" | "m"                    -> "{0:M}"
        | "R" | "r"                    -> "{0:R}"
        | "s"                          -> "{0:s}"
        | "u"                          -> "{0:u}"
        | "U"                          -> "{0:U}"
        | "Y" | "y"                    -> "{0:Y}"
        // USER-DEFINED: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/4fb56f4y(v=vs.71).aspx
        //               http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/73ctwf33(v=VS.71).aspx
        // The user-defined format strings translate more-or-less exactly, so we're just going to use them.
        | _                            -> sprintf "{0:%s}" vb6Format
于 2011-08-30T19:06:03.500 回答