我有一个适用于 Windows Mobile 6.x 的 Visual Studio 2008 C++ 应用程序,我正在计算给定进程可用的空闲虚拟内存量。(我意识到它没有考虑到碎片。)我的代码看起来基本上是这样的:


/// total free memory available to the process
DWORD free = 0;

/// base memory address for the given process index (2-33). 
DWORD slot_base_addr = process_index * 0x02000000;

/// look at each memory region for the process. 
for( DWORD offset = 0x10000; 
     offset < 0x02000000; 
     offset += mbi.RegionSize )
    ::VirtualQuery( ( void* )( slot_base_addr + offset ), 
                    sizeof( MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION ) );

    if( mbi.State == MEM_FREE )
        free += ( mbi.RegionSize - ( ( ~( DWORD )mbi.BaseAddress + 1 ) & 0xffff ) ) & 0xffff0000;
NKDbgPrintfW( L"%d bytes free\r\n", free );

我可以用其他 API 确认这似乎工作得很好。我的问题是这条线在做什么:

free += ( mbi.RegionSize - ( ( ~( DWORD )mbi.BaseAddress + 1 ) & 0xffff ) ) & 0xffff0000;


free += mbi.RegionSize;

我在MSFT 员工罗斯乔丹的Usenet帖子上找到了前一行。



例如。对于进程槽 2,这是每个空闲内存块的列表,其中包含由 Ross Jordan (RS) 算法和 RegionSize (RS) 给出的空闲内存量。

Slot: 2. Range: 0x04000000 - 0x06000000
    RS:    16,384 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 16384
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:    36,864 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 36864
    RS:    65,536 bytes RJ:    65,536 bytes diff: 0
    RS:    53,248 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 53248
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS:     4,096 bytes RJ:         0 bytes diff: 4096
    RS: 7,671,808 bytes RJ: 7,667,712 bytes diff: 4096
    RS: 1,921,024 bytes RJ: 1,900,544 bytes diff: 20480
    RS: 7,491,584 bytes RJ: 7,471,104 bytes diff: 20480
    RS: 3,252,224 bytes RJ: 3,211,264 bytes diff: 40960
    RS:   262,144 bytes RJ:   262,144 bytes diff: 0

RS: Total VM Free: 20,811,776 bytes.
RJ: Total VM Free: 20,578,304 bytes.


汉斯带领我找到了答案。这只是一种奇特的方式,但假设分配大小为 64KB。

SYSTEM_INFO si = { 0 };
::GetSystemInfo( &si );

free += mbi.RegionSize - mbi.RegionSize % si.dwAllocationGranularity;

1 回答 1


VirtualAlloc 的分配粒度通常为 64KB。如果 AllocationBase 不是 64KB 的倍数,他会尝试做一些有意义的事情。我认为这根本没有意义,他的位掩码仍然假定粒度为 64KB,并且他不使用 SYSTEM_INFO.dwAllocationGranularity。其中有这样的评论:

该值过去被硬编码为 64 KB,但其他硬件架构可能需要不同的值。

在极少数不是 64KB 的情况下,此代码会生成垃圾值。只需点击它,按 RegionSize 即可。

于 2010-11-01T14:52:41.210 回答