我在当前工作场所继承了一个大型 VB6 应用程序。我有点在工作中学习VB6,我遇到了很多问题。目前的主要问题是我无法弄清楚如何检查 Collection 对象中是否存在密钥。任何人都可以帮忙吗?
9 回答
我的标准功能很简单。无论元素类型如何,这都将起作用,因为它不需要进行任何分配,它只是执行集合属性 get。
Public Function Exists(ByVal oCol As Collection, ByVal vKey As Variant) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
oCol.Item vKey
Exists = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
@Mark Biek 您的 keyExists 与我的标准 Exists() 函数非常匹配。为了使该类对 COM 公开的集合和检查数字索引更有用,我建议将 sKey 和 myCollection 更改为不输入。如果该函数将与对象集合一起使用,则需要“set”(在设置 val 的行上)。
编辑:我从来没有注意到基于对象和基于值的 Exists() 函数的不同要求,这让我很烦恼。我很少为非对象使用集合,但这似乎是一个完美的瓶颈,因为当我需要检查是否存在时很难追踪到。因为如果错误处理程序已经处于活动状态,错误处理将失败,因此需要两个函数来获取新的错误范围。只有 Exists() 函数需要被调用:
Public Function Exists(col, index) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ExistsTryNonObject
Dim o As Object
Set o = col(index)
Exists = True
Exit Function
Exists = ExistsNonObject(col, index)
End Function
Private Function ExistsNonObject(col, index) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ExistsNonObjectErrorHandler
Dim v As Variant
v = col(index)
ExistsNonObject = True
Exit Function
ExistsNonObject = False
End Function
Public Sub TestExists()
Dim c As New Collection
Dim b As New Class1
c.Add "a string", "a"
c.Add b, "b"
Debug.Print "a", Exists(c, "a") ' True '
Debug.Print "b", Exists(c, "b") ' True '
Debug.Print "c", Exists(c, "c") ' False '
Debug.Print 1, Exists(c, 1) ' True '
Debug.Print 2, Exists(c, 2) ' True '
Debug.Print 3, Exists(c, 3) ' False '
End Sub
public function keyExists(myCollection as collection, sKey as string) as Boolean
on error goto handleerror:
dim val as variant
val = myCollection(sKey)
keyExists = true
exit sub
keyExists = false
end function
正如 Thomas 所指出的,您需要设置一个对象而不是 Let。这是我的库中适用于值和对象类型的通用函数:
Public Function Exists(ByVal key As Variant, ByRef col As Collection) As Boolean
'Returns True if item with key exists in collection
On Error Resume Next
Const ERR_OBJECT_TYPE As Long = 438
Dim item As Variant
'Try reach item by key
item = col.item(key)
'If no error occurred, key exists
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Exists = True
'In cases where error 438 is thrown, it is likely that
'the item does exist, but is an object that cannot be Let
ElseIf Err.Number = ERR_OBJECT_TYPE Then
'Try reach object by key
Set item = col.item(key)
'If an object was found, the key exists
If Not item Is Nothing Then
Exists = True
End If
End If
End Function
正如 Thomas 所建议的,您可以将 Collection 类型更改为 Object 以概括这一点。.Item(key) 语法由大多数集合类共享,因此实际上可能很有用。
使用错误处理程序来捕获集合中不存在该键的情况可能会使使用“中断所有错误”选项进行调试非常烦人。为了避免不必要的错误,我经常创建一个类,该类将存储的对象存储在 Collection 中,并将所有键存储在 Dictionary 中。Dictionary 具有 exists(key) -函数,因此我可以在尝试从集合中获取对象之前调用它。您只能将字符串存储在 Dictionary 中,因此如果您需要存储对象,仍然需要 Collection。
Public Function Exists(col, index) As Boolean
Dim v As Variant
On Error GoTo ExistsTryObject
Set v = col(index)
Exists = True
Exit Function
On Error GoTo ExistsTryNonObject
v = col(index)
Exists = True
Exit Function
' This will reset your Err Handler
Resume TryNonObject
Exists = False
End Function
但是,如果您只将代码合并到例程的 TryNonObject 部分中,则会产生相同的信息。
更好的解决方案是编写一个 TryGet 函数。很多时候你要检查存在,然后获取项目。同时做可以节省时间。
public Function TryGet(key as string, col as collection) as Variant
on error goto errhandler
Set TryGet= col(key)
exit function
Set TryGet = nothing
end function
请参阅 http://www.visualbasic.happycodings.com/Other/code10.html 此处的实现具有还可以选择返回找到的元素的优点,并且适用于对象/本机类型(根据评论)。
Option Explicit
'Purpose : Determines if an item already exists in a collection
'Inputs : oCollection The collection to test for the existance of the item
' vIndex The index of the item.
' [vItem] See Outputs
'Outputs : Returns True if the item already exists in the collection.
' [vItem] The value of the item, if it exists, else returns "empty".
'Notes :
'Example :
Function CollectionItemExists(vIndex As Variant, oCollection As Collection, Optional vItem As Variant) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrNotExist
'Clear output result
If IsObject(vItem) Then
Set vItem = Nothing
vItem = Empty
End If
If VarType(vIndex) = vbString Then
'Test if item exists
If VarType(oCollection.Item(CStr(vIndex))) = vbObject Then
'Return an object
Set vItem = oCollection.Item(CStr(vIndex))
'Return an standard variable
vItem = oCollection.Item(CStr(vIndex))
End If
'Test if item exists
If VarType(oCollection.Item(Int(vIndex))) = vbObject Then
'Return an object
Set vItem = oCollection.Item(Int(vIndex))
'Return an standard variable
vItem = oCollection.Item(Int(vIndex))
End If
End If
'Return success
CollectionItemExists = True
Exit Function
CollectionItemExists = False
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
'Demonstration routine
Sub Test()
Dim oColl As New Collection, oValue As Variant
oColl.Add "red1", "KEYA"
oColl.Add "red2", "KEYB"
'Return the two items in the collection
Debug.Print CollectionItemExists("KEYA", oColl, oValue)
Debug.Print "Returned: " & oValue
Debug.Print "-----------"
Debug.Print CollectionItemExists(2, oColl, oValue)
Debug.Print "Returned: " & oValue
'Should fail
Debug.Print CollectionItemExists("KEYC", oColl, oValue)
Debug.Print "Returned: " & oValue
Set oColl = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function Exists(ByRef Col As Collection, ByVal Key) As Boolean
On Error GoTo KeyError
If Not Col(Key) Is Nothing Then
Exists = True
Exists = False
End If
Exit Function
Exists = False
End Function