在以前版本的 AutoMapper 中,我创建了一个通用 PreCondition 来有条件地映射/不映射某些成员。我通过将成员名称数组添加到 Map 选项并根据当前正在映射的成员检查此列表来实现这一点,如下面的代码所示。
不幸的是,MemberName 不再在 ResolutionContext 中公开,所以我不知道当前正在映射哪个成员。我在新精简的 ResolutionContext 中找不到任何可以引导我获取此信息的内容。
我知道我可以编写很多特定的前提条件案例,但我将其用于数以万计的类型。有谁知道获取当前 MemberName 的其他方法?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using AutoMapper;
public class AutoMapperTest
public class SomeSourceType
public string String1;
public string String2;
public string String3;
public class SomeDestinationType
public string String1;
public string String2;
public string String3;
public void Test()
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<SomeSourceType, SomeDestinationType>();
cfg.ForAllMaps((Action<TypeMap, IMappingExpression>)((typeMap, map) =>
map.ForAllMembers(opt =>
opt.PreCondition(context =>
var optionsItems = context.Options.Items;
var propertiesToMap = (IEnumerable<string>)(optionsItems.Keys.Contains("PropertiesToMap") ? optionsItems["PropertiesToMap"] : null);
// The following line no longer works because MemberName is no longer exposed!
return (propertiesToMap == null) || propertiesToMap.Contains(context.MemberName);
var source = new SomeSourceType() { String1 = "Hello", String2 = "World" };
// This will map ALL properties.
var dest = Mapper.Map<SomeSourceType, SomeDestinationType>(source);
// This will only map String1 and String3.
dest = Mapper.Map<SomeSourceType, SomeDestinationType>(source, opts => opts.Items.Add("PropertiesToMap", new string[] { "String1", "String3" }));