So i've been trying to get a program working where I get info from google finance regarding different stock stats. So far I have not been able to get information out of spans. As of now I have hardcoded direct access to the apple stock. Link to Apple stock:
What i can't understand is that I receive correct output when I trying it in the chrome console with the following command:
This is my current code in Visual studio 2015 with Html Agility Pack installed(I suspect a fault in currDocNodeCompanyName):
class StockDataAccess
HtmlWeb web= new HtmlWeb();
private List<string> testList;
public void FindStock()
var histDoc = web.Load("");
var histDocNode = histDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@id=\"prices\"]//table//tr//td");
var currDoc = web.Load("");
var currDocNodeCurrency = currDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@id=\"ref_22144_elt\"]//div//div");
var currDocNodeCompanyName = currDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@id=\"appbar\"]//div//div//div//span");
var histDocText = histDocNode.Select(node => node.InnerText);
var currDocCurrencyText = currDocNodeCurrency.Select(node => node.InnerText);
var currDocCompanyName = currDocNodeCompanyName.Select(node => node.InnerText);
List<String> result = new List<string>(histDocText.Take(6));
testList = result;
public List<String> ReturnStock()
return testList;
I have been trying the Xpath expression [text] and received an output that i can work with when using the chrome console but not in VS. I have also been experimenting with a foreach-loop, a few suggested it to others.
class StockDataAccess
HtmlWeb web= new HtmlWeb();
private List<string> testList;
public void FindStock()
///same as before
var currDoc = web.Load("");
HtmlNodeCollection currDocNodeCompanyName = currDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[@id=\"appbar\"]//div//div//div//span");
///Same as before
List <string> blaList = new List<string>();
foreach (HtmlNode x in currDocNodeCompanyName)
List<String> result = new List<string>(histDocText.Take(6));
testList = result;
public List<String> ReturnStock()
return testList;
I would really appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction.