我正在尝试连接一个解决方案以使用自定义 C# 代码执行以下操作:

  1. 针对 StoreFront 服务器进行身份验证
  2. 枚举应用
  3. 启动 ICA

I am able to do this following their example using basic authentication (user/domain and password). However, I want to know if there is a way to do this with other authentication mechanisms. I have searched for any documentation surrounding the /Resources/ directory of API endpoints with no success. I am using the /Resources/List, /Resources/PostCredentialsAuth/Login, and /Resources/LaunchIca endpoints, so I know there are API endpoints to use.

Does anyone know where I can find more information about these endpoints? My end goal is going to be passing credentials/certificates from a custom app to authenticate against StoreFront.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


1 回答 1


如果您还没有找到这个 - 我在 Citrix 网站的 WebAPI.pdf 中找到了对这些 URL 的引用。您必须拥有 Citrix 登录才能访问文档。登录 Citrix.com 并选择下载,从 Find Downloads 下拉列表中选择 Storefront/WebInterface,WebAPI 文档与 Store Services API 文档一起位于 Storefront 3.0 API 中,这也很有帮助。如果你不能得到它,请告诉我,我可以把它寄给你。

于 2016-12-07T21:11:01.977 回答