我正在阅读 [将 CSV 数据导入 Neo4j][1] 并尝试执行
graph <- startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data", username = "neo4j", password = "")
clear(graph, input = F)
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///data//airlines.csv" AS row
CREATE (n:airlines)
SET n = row,
n.carrier = toFloat(row.carrier),
n.name = toFloat(row.name)
> > LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///data//airlines.csv" AS row
Error: unexpected symbol in "LOAD CSV"
> CREATE (n:airlines)
Error: could not find function "CREATE"
> SET n = row,
Error: unexpected symbol in "SET n"
> n.carrier = toFloat(row.carrier),
Error: unexpected ',' in " n.carrier = toFloat(row.carrier),"
> n.name = toFloat(row.name)
Error: could not find function "toFloat"