
seq2seq有没有办法在 TensorFlow 的模型中可视化某些输入的注意力权重,如上面链接中的图(来自 Bahdanau 等人,2014 年) ?我已经找到了TensorFlow 的 github 问题,但在会话期间我无法找到如何获取注意力掩码。


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我还想为我的文本摘要任务可视化 Tensorflow seq2seq 操作的注意力权重。而且我认为临时解决方案是使用 session.run() 来评估上面提到的注意力掩码张量。有趣的是,原来的 seq2seq.py ops 被认为是遗留版本,在 github 上不容易找到,所以我只是使用了 0.12.0 轮子发行版中的 seq2seq.py 文件并对其进行了修改。为了绘制热图,我使用了“Matplotlib”包,非常方便。

新闻标题 textsum 的注意力可视化的最终输出如下所示: 在此处输入图像描述

我修改了代码如下: https ://github.com/rockingdingo/deepnlp/tree/master/deepnlp/textsum#attention-visualization


# Find the attention mask tensor in function attention_decoder()-> attention()
# Add the attention mask tensor to ‘return’ statement of all the function that calls the attention_decoder(), 
# all the way up to model_with_buckets() function, which is the final function I use for bucket training.

def attention(query):
  """Put attention masks on hidden using hidden_features and query."""
  ds = []  # Results of attention reads will be stored here.

  # some code

  for a in xrange(num_heads):
    with variable_scope.variable_scope("Attention_%d" % a):
      # some code

      s = math_ops.reduce_sum(v[a] * math_ops.tanh(hidden_features[a] + y),
                              [2, 3])
      # This is the attention mask tensor we want to extract
      a = nn_ops.softmax(s)

      # some code

  # add 'a' to return function
  return ds, a


# modified model.step() function and return masks tensor
self.outputs, self.losses, self.attn_masks = seq2seq_attn.model_with_buckets(…)

# use session.run() to evaluate attn masks
attn_out = session.run(self.attn_masks[bucket_id], input_feed)
attn_matrix = ...


# Use the plot_attention function in eval.py to visual the 2D ndarray during prediction.

eval.plot_attention(attn_matrix[0:ty_cut, 0:tx_cut], X_label = X_label, Y_label = Y_label)

并且可能在未来 tensorflow 将有更好的方法来提取和可视化注意力权重图。有什么想法吗?

于 2017-01-19T03:06:45.583 回答