最简单的方法是使用类型提供程序,因此您可以抽象出数据库。您可以将SqlDataConnection用于 SQLServer,将 SqlProvider用于所有内容(包括 SQLServer),还可以将SQLClient用于 SQLServer。
下面是一个用于 SQLProvider 的 postgres dvdrental(示例)数据库示例:
#r @"..\packages\SQLProvider.1.0.33\lib\FSharp.Data.SqlProvider.dll"
#r @"..\packages\Npgsql.3.1.8\lib\net451\Npgsql.dll"
open System
open FSharp.Data.Sql
open Npgsql
open NpgsqlTypes
open System.Linq
open System.Xml
open System.IO
open System.Data
let [<Literal>] dbVendor = Common.DatabaseProviderTypes.POSTGRESQL
let [<Literal>] connString1 = @"Server=localhost;Database=dvdrental;User Id=postgres;Password=root"
let [<Literal>] resPath = @"C:\Users\userName\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Postgre2\packages\Npgsql.3.1.8\lib\net451"
let [<Literal>] indivAmount = 1000
let [<Literal>] useOptTypes = true
//create the type for the database, based on the connection string, etc. parameters
type sql = SqlDataProvider<dbVendor,connString1,"",resPath,indivAmount,useOptTypes>
//set up the datacontext, ideally you would use `use` here :-)
let ctx = sql.GetDataContext()
let actorTbl = ctx.Public.Actor //alias the table
//set up the type, in this case Records:
type ActorName = {
//extract the data with a query expression, this gives you type safety and intellisense over SQL (but also see the SqlClient type provider above):
let qry = query {
for row in actorTbl do
select ({firstName=row.FirstName;lastName=row.LastName})
//seq is lazy so do all kinds of transformations if necessary then manifest it into a list or array:
qry |> Seq.toArray
两个重要部分是定义 Actor 记录,然后在查询中将字段提取到 Actor 记录序列中。然后,您可以在必要时将其显示为列表或数组。
type User = {
floresID: string
exName: string
exPass: string
let recs = cmd.ExecuteReader() // execute the SQL Command
//extract the users into a sequence of records:
let users =
seq {
while recs.Read() do
yield {floresID=recs.[0].ToString()
} |> Seq.toArray