我正在尝试将个人 git 工作流程改进为更容易处理的东西。

以下是我在这篇文章中如何使用 git 的一些背景:

  • 一个开发人员,他是唯一在存储库上工作的人。

  • 存储在本地计算机上的存储库的单个副本。

  • 只有两个分支“dev”和“master”。

  • 所有工作都在“dev”上完成。



  1. 当“dev”中的所有内容都经过测试并准备就绪时,将“master”更新为“dev”分支文件树的精确克隆。

  2. 对“master”进行细微修改以更新版本号等...

  3. 提交到更新的“master”分支。

  4. 从“master”分支创建一个新标签。


'git diff master dev | git apply -'

据我了解,这有效地消除了“master”中的任何内容,并用“dev”的内容替换了整个树。运行“git status”似乎表明这正在做基于上面#1的预期。


在“master”分支收到这些更新后,我运行我的脚本来更新文件中的版本号。然后,我只运行一个标准的“git add”。和“git commit -a”添加所有更改。最后,我制作了一个新标签并返回“dev”分支重新开始编码。


更新:我应该把它放在第一次,但我不简单地使用合并的原因是更改 master 上的版本号,然后尝试与 dev 中的更改合并会导致合并冲突。我知道它们无关紧要,但它仍然会停止这个过程。我之前使用过“merge -Xtheirs {branch}”来处理它,但我也不确定。

UPDATE2:这里有一些我知道不起作用的东西。我整理了一个适用于 Mac OSX 的 bash 脚本。第一个尝试使用合并:

#!/bin/bash -x

### file: merge1 ###

### clear out the old stuff so you can rerun
rm -rf .git
rm *.txt

### setup the repository
git init

### ignore merge and output files for clarity sake
echo -e "output*\nmerge*" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore

### make the intial commit and move over to dev
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git checkout -b dev

### add stuff to test1.txt in dev
echo -e "FILE1 LINE\nVERSION-XXX\nFILE1 LINE" > test1.txt
echo -e "File2 LINE\nVERSION-XXX\nFILE2 LINE" > test2.txt

### add the files and commit
git add .
git commit -m "Created test1.txt and test2.txt in dev."

### output the state of test1.
cat test1.txt > output-dev-test1-a.txt
cat test2.txt > output-dev-test2-a.txt

### move to master and do a first merge which will work
git checkout master
git merge dev

### Update the version numbers in master and commit it
sed -i "" -e 's/VERSION-XXX/VERSION-1.0/g' test*.txt
git commit -am "Updated version to 1.0 on master"

cat test1.txt > output-master-test1-a.txt
cat test2.txt > output-master-test2-a.txt

### switch back to dev and commit an update to test1.txt
git checkout dev
sed -i "" -e 's/LINE/CHANGED/' test*.txt
git commit -am "Updated content in test*.txt on dev"

### dump test1.txt for reference.
cat test1.txt > output-dev-test1-b.txt
cat test2.txt > output-dev-test2-b.txt

### swtich back to master
git checkout master


### this is where the merge fails because of a conflict
git merge dev

我尝试的另一种方法是使用 -Xtheirs,它一开始看起来很有效,但它并没有更新所有内容。要看到这一点,请删除上面 BREAK 之后的最后几行并将其替换为:

### merge with -Xtheirs works here. Proper version "XXX" is showing.
git merge -Xtheirs dev

### but if we update the version number one more time on master
sed -i "" -e 's/VERSION-XXX/VERSION-2.0/g' test*.txt
git commit -am "Updated version to 2.0 on master"

### dump reference file
cat test1.txt > output-master-test1-b.txt
cat test2.txt > output-master-test2-b.txt

### Now, go back to dev and change something in only one of the files
git checkout dev
sed -i "" -e 's/CHANGED/ALTERED/g' test2.txt
git commit -am "Altered only test2.txt on dev."

cat test1.txt > output-dev-test1-c.txt
cat test2.txt > output-dev-test2-c.txt

### are finally return to master and merge again
git checkout master
git merge -Xtheirs dev

### dump reference file
cat test1.txt > output-master-test1-c.txt
cat test2.txt > output-master-test2-c.txt

没有冲突,但 'output-master-test1-c.txt' 显示 'VERSION-2.0' 而不是所需的 'VERSION-XXX'。这似乎已经发生,因为文件没有更改。'output-master-test2-c.txt' 文件具有预期的 'VERSION-XXX' 字符串。当然,问题在于尝试更新到版本 3.0 的查找和替换将在 test1-c 中丢失,因为它无法识别 VERSION 字符串的 2.0 部分。


3 回答 3


您应该使用真正的合并而不是 diff/apply hack。这很简单

[master]$ git merge dev

当您在 master 分支上运行它时(显示在提示符中),您将合并来自 dev 的所有更改。之后您可以更新版本号,提交并创建标签

[master]$ git commit -a -m "New version number."
[master]$ git tag version-1.x


事实上,你根本不需要 master 分支,你可以基于 dev 创建一个短暂的发布分支,在那里创建一个标签,然后删除该分支。

[dev]$ git checkout -b release dev
[release]$ git commit -a -m "New version number."
[release]$ git tag version-1.x
[release]$ git checkout dev
[dev]$ git branch -d release
于 2010-10-30T00:31:50.130 回答




A - B - C - D - E - F
     \               \
      1.0             1.1



于 2010-11-03T21:36:34.900 回答

我想出了另一种方法来解决这个问题,我认为它可以满足我的一切需求。它的核心是在 master 上执行以下操作:

### pull the diff to make sure there are no conflict
git diff master dev | git apply -

### do merge without commit to make branch tree behave
git merge --no-commit --no-ff -s ours dev

### update the version numbers
sed -i "" -e "s/VERSION-XXX/VERSION-$1/g" *.txt

### now, add everything to master and commit
git add . 
git commit -m "Master commit $1"

这确保“dev”中的所有版本号都保持在“XXX”,但在“master”中的所有文件中都正确更新。此外,在 gitk 中查看“master”分支的历史记录,您可以看到特定的“dev”版本是在哪里添加的。例如:

dev:      d1----d2----d3----d4----d5
         /  \           \     \
master: x    m1          m2    m3


这是我用来测试和解决这个问题的 bash 脚本(在 Mac OSX 上编写)。如果有兴趣尝试其他策略,您应该能够只更新“doMerge”函数并运行脚本以查看会发生什么。


# Setup functions

function doMerge {

  ### add everything in dev
  git add .
  git commit -m "Commiting dev $1"

  ### switch to master
  git checkout master

  ### pull the diff to make sure there are no conflict
  git diff master dev | git apply -

  ### do merge without commit to make branch tree behave
  git merge --no-commit --no-ff -s ours dev

  ### update the version numbers
  sed -i "" -e "s/VERSION-XXX/VERSION-$1/g" *.txt

  ### now, add everything to master and commit
  git add . 
  git commit -m "Master commit $1"

  git tag -m "Created tag v-$a" -a "v-$1"

  ### and then switch back to dev so you are ready to work
  git checkout dev


### this just lets you see what's going on in the output
function showReport {

  echo "############################################################"
  echo "##### 'dev' branch files #####"
  echo "############################################################"

  while [ $DEVCNT -lt 4 ]; do
    cat $DEVCNT.txt
    echo "############################################################"
    let DEVCNT=DEVCNT+1 

  git checkout master

  echo "############################################################"
  echo "##### 'master' branch files #####"
  echo "############################################################"

  while [ $MASTCNT -lt 4 ]; do
    cat $MASTCNT.txt
    echo "############################################################"
  echo ""

  git checkout dev


# Main

### clear out the old stuff so you can rerun
rm -rf .git
rm *.txt

### setup the repository
git init

### ignore merge and output files for clarity sake
echo "check-history" > .gitignore
git add .gitignore

git commit -m "added .gitignore"

### switch to dev
git checkout -b dev

### add some files
while [  $COUNTER -lt 10 ]; do
  echo "File $COUNTER - VERSION-XXX" > $COUNTER.txt
  echo "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" >> $COUNTER.txt

### run the diff/apply/merge strategy and show the results
doMerge 1; showReport

echo "File 2 - VERSION-XXX" > 2.txt
echo "New Data" >> 2.txt

git commit -am "dev tmp commit 1"

echo "Additional data" >> 1.txt
echo "Additional data" >> 2.txt

doMerge 2; showReport

sed -i "" -e 's/quick/EXTREMELY FAST/' 3.txt

doMerge 3; showReport


于 2010-10-30T17:49:07.137 回答