I have an app that is build upon XCode 7.3 and swift 2.3 version and is live on app store. On iOS 9 device token is successfully generated but when I test it on iOS 10, device token is not generated. I can't debug it on iOS device because XCode doesn't support iOS 10 devices. So for that I am archiving with production mode and then I am testing on iOS 10 devices but unable to get device token. I know that for iOS 10 there is a new framework for notification but that doesn't support in XCode 7 . Is it any bug on iOS 10 OS or am I doing it some wrong way because I don't find any solution. Also due to some reasons I cannot convert code to swift 3.0.
I am getting a strange issue. On development profile device token for iOS 10 is generated but on production mode it is not generated. Any possible resons.