I am looking for a regex pattern matcher for a String in HttpLogFormat. The log is generated by haproxy. Below is a sample String in this format.
Feb 6 12:14:14 localhost haproxy[14389]: [06/Feb/2009:12:14:14.655] http-in static/srv1 10/0/30/69/109 200 2750 - - ---- 1/1/1/1/0 0/0 {1wt.eu} {} "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
An explanation of the format is available at HttpLogFormat. Any help is appreciated.
I am trying to get the individual peices of information included in that line. Here are the fields:
- process_name '[' pid ']:'
- client_ip ':' client_port
- '[' accept_date ']'
- frontend_name
- backend_name '/' server_name
- Tq '/' Tw '/' Tc '/' Tr '/' Tt*
- status_code
- bytes_read
- captured_request_cookie
- captured_response_cookie
- termination_state
- actconn '/' feconn '/' beconn '/' srv_conn '/' retries
- srv_queue '/' backend_queue
- '{' captured_request_headers* '}'
- '{' captured_response_headers* '}'
- '"' http_request '"'