我已经设置了以下 LP 问题,除了我对沙拉蔬菜的质量约束百分比之外,一切似乎都在工作。我希望沙拉蔬菜的质量至少为 40%,但纸浆的语法错误lpSum,我不知道如何调和它。


 至少 15 克蛋白质

 至少 2 克,最多 8 克脂肪

 至少 4 克碳水化合物

 最多 200 毫克钠

 至少 40% 的绿叶蔬菜(按质量计算)。

from pulp import *

# Creates a list of the Ingredients

kcal = {'TOMATO': 21, 
         'LETTUCE': 16, 
         'SPINACH': 40, 
         'CARROT': 41, 
         'SUNFLOWER': 585, 
         'TOFU': 120,
         'CHICKPEAS': 164,
         'OIL': 884}

protein = {'TOMATO': 0.85, 
         'LETTUCE': 1.62, 
         'SPINACH': 2.86, 
         'CARROT': 0.93, 
         'SUNFLOWER': 23.4, 
         'TOFU': 16,
         'CHICKPEAS': 9,
         'OIL': 0}

fat = {'TOMATO': 0.33, 
         'LETTUCE': 0.20, 
         'SPINACH': 0.39, 
         'CARROT': 0.24, 
         'SUNFLOWER': 48.7, 
         'TOFU': 5.0,
         'CHICKPEAS': 2.6,
         'OIL': 100.0}

carbs = {'TOMATO': 4.64, 
         'LETTUCE': 2.37, 
         'SPINACH': 3.63, 
         'CARROT': 9.58, 
         'SUNFLOWER': 15.0, 
         'TOFU': 3.0,
         'CHICKPEAS': 27.0,
         'OIL': 0.0}

sodium = {'TOMATO': 9.0, 
         'LETTUCE': 28.0, 
         'SPINACH': 65.0, 
         'CARROT': 69.0, 
         'SUNFLOWER': 3.80, 
         'TOFU': 120.0,
         'CHICKPEAS': 78.0,
         'OIL': 0.0}

cost = {'TOMATO': 1.0, 
         'LETTUCE': 0.75, 
         'SPINACH': 0.50, 
         'CARROT': 0.50, 
         'SUNFLOWER': 0.45, 
         'TOFU': 2.15,
         'CHICKPEAS': 0.95,
         'OIL': 2.00}

# Create the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
prob = LpProblem("The Salad Problem", LpMinimize)

# A dictionary called 'ingredient_vars' is created to contain the referenced Variables
ingredient_vars = LpVariable.dicts("Ingr",Ingredients,0)

# The objective function is added to 'prob' first
prob += lpSum([kcal[i]*ingredient_vars[i] for i in Ingredients]), "Total kCal of Ingredients per salad"

# The constraints are added to 'prob'
prob += lpSum([protein[i] * ingredient_vars[i] for i in Ingredients]) >= 15.0, "ProteinRequirement"
prob += 8.0 >= lpSum([fat[i] * ingredient_vars[i] for i in Ingredients]) >= 2.0, "FatRequirement"
prob += lpSum([carbs[i] * ingredient_vars[i] for i in Ingredients]) >= 4.0, "CarbRequirement"
prob += lpSum([sodium[i] * ingredient_vars[i] for i in Ingredients]) <= 200.0, "SodiumRequirement"
prob += lpSum(prob.variables()[2].varValue + prob.variables()[4].varValue) / lpSum([prob.variables()[i].varValue for i in range(8)]) >= 0.40, "GreensRequirement"


# The status of the solution is printed to the screen
print("Status:", LpStatus[prob.status])

# Each of the variables is printed with it's resolved optimum value
for v in prob.variables():
    print(v.name, "=", v.varValue)

# The optimised objective function value is printed to the screen
print("Total kCal of Ingredients per salad = ", value(prob.objective))


prob += lpSum(prob.variables()[2].varValue + prob.variables()[4].varValue) / lpSum([prob.variables()[i].varValue for i in range(8)]) >= 0.40, "GreensRequirement"

这会在 NoneType 上使用 + 运算符时出错,因为变量还没有值。我只是不确定如何设置这种约束。我已经查看了有关此的纸浆文档,但我没有任何运气来解决这个问题。


1 回答 1



  • 正如您自己所说,您无法构建基于某些尚未优化的决策变量的值的约束!
    • .varValue无法使用约束
  • 我没有得到prob.variables()[2]一般的概念,而不是像以前那样访问ingredient_vars[i](但因为我不知道究竟prob.variables返回什么,我会忽略这个)
  • 如果您替换.varValue访问权限并直接使用变量,则您正在建立一个非线性除法的约束,并且纸浆不会接受这一点
    • 即使纸浆会接受这个,求解器也无法解决这个问题(LP-solver)



  • 建立一个线性约束来表示你的比率约束


我们在这里使用lpsolve 文档中描述的重新表述。摘录:

在此处输入图像描述 lpsolve 文档的屏幕截图 ( http://lpsolve.sourceforge.net/5.1/ratio.htm )


备注:由于我不熟悉-likeprob.variables()[2]变量访问并且懒得检查文档,我在这里猜测绿色是: LETTUCE + SPINACH。如果我误解了这一点,请随时更改它!


prob += (0 - 0.4) * ingredient_vars['TOMATO'] + (1 - 0.4) * ingredient_vars['LETTUCE'] + \
        (1 - 0.4) * ingredient_vars['SPINACH'] + (0 - 0.4) * ingredient_vars['CARROT'] + \
        (0 - 0.4) * ingredient_vars['SUNFLOWER'] + (0 - 0.4) * ingredient_vars['TOFU'] + \
        (0 - 0.4) * ingredient_vars['CHICKPEAS'] + (0 - 0.4) * ingredient_vars['OIL'] >= 0.0, 'GreensRequirement'

这是对 lpsolve 文档的直接翻译。检查我们必须做出的假设!



比率为 0.4(在上面的代码中描述)

('Status:', 'Optimal')
('Ingr_CARROT', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_CHICKPEAS', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_LETTUCE', '=', 0.58548009)
('Ingr_OIL', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_SPINACH', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_SUNFLOWER', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_TOFU', '=', 0.87822014)
('Ingr_TOMATO', '=', 0.0)
('Total kCal of Ingredients per salad = ', 114.75409824)

比率 0.9

('Status:', 'Optimal')
('Ingr_CARROT', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_CHICKPEAS', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_LETTUCE', '=', 4.4146501)
('Ingr_OIL', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_SPINACH', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_SUNFLOWER', '=', 0.0)
('Ingr_TOFU', '=', 0.49051668)
('Ingr_TOMATO', '=', 0.0)
('Total kCal of Ingredients per salad = ', 129.4964032)
于 2016-11-11T21:26:50.313 回答