所以我有一个接收 an 的函数,Any它通过使用反射检查 Any 是否是枚举:

func extractRawValue(subject: Any) throws -> Any {
    let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: subject)

    guard let displayStyle = mirror.displayStyle,
        case .`enum` = displayStyle else {
            throw Errors.NoEnum

    // And from here I don't know how to go any further...
    // I wish I could do something like this:
    guard let subject = subject as? RawRepresentable where let rawValue = subject.rawValue as Any else {
        throw Errors.NoRawRepresenable

    return rawValue 



1 回答 1


我认为执行此操作的 Swifty 方法是为您要使用的枚举使用协议:

protocol ValueAsAnyable {
    func valueAsAny() -> Any

extension ValueAsAnyable where Self: RawRepresentable {
    func valueAsAny() -> Any {
        return rawValue as Any

func extractRawValue(subject: Any) throws -> Any {
    let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: subject)

    guard let displayStyle = mirror.displayStyle,
        case .`enum` = displayStyle else {
            throw Errors.NoEnum
    guard let anyable = subject as? ValueAsAnyable else {
        throw Errors.NoRawRepresentable
    return anyable.valueAsAny()

let subject: Any = TestEnum.test
let thing = try? extractRawValue(subject: subject) //prints "test"


于 2016-11-10T19:58:02.367 回答