If your web-service doesn't require client-certificate authentication, there's not so much to change (except the trust managers/trust stores, but you may tend to use the same ones for your overall application).
If your service wants client-certificate authentication, you'll need extra configuration steps. For example, if you're using Axis, you could try this approach: Choosing SSL client certificate in Java
(How this is done will depend on the language and the framework you're using.)
Regarding "If not, So how my client do decrypte the encrypted message sent from the web service?", this is done by the SSL/TLS stack. Most HTTP libraries that support HTTPS will use the platform's SSL/TLS stack (JSSE in Java) more or less transparently: that's where the encryption/decryption will occur. If you're using a web-service framework, it's likely to have an API to configure the SSL/TLS trust settings (or which client-certificate to use), although it's also likely to use the system's default if you don't do anything.
Note that your question is about web-services secured with HTTPS, which only implies transport-level security (which is more or less transparently handled by the SSL/TLS stack of the platform you'll be using). Some web-services can also be secured using message-level security, in which case the framework on both client and server side will need to support this. This will certainly require more configuration. (In some cases, you may find message-level security implemented in conjunction with transport-level security, that is, exchanging signed or encrypted payload on top of HTTPS.)