I want to build an android application which requires to use fingerprint scanning. I'm using an external SecuGen fingerprint scanner (SecuGen Hamster Pro 20) for this. How to integrate this to my android app.The SDK for SecuGen fingerprint scanning is available. How to start with this?


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在提供给您的 SDK 中,使用 SecuGen Hamster Pro 20,给出了“编程手册”,其中包含将扫描仪与您的 android 应用程序集成的所有步骤。该 SDK 还包含 Demo android 项目,可帮助您编写代码,还提供了示例 apk。并且还提供了一组“Java Doc”文件以寻求帮助。希望这会帮助你。

于 2016-11-10T12:42:15.747 回答