\subsection{Gantt Chart \& Critical Path}
top color=black!25,
bottom color=black!23
\begin{ganttchart}[x unit=0.27cm, vgrid, title label font=\footnotesize,
canvas/.style={draw=black, dotted}]{1}{44}
\gantttitlelist{1,...,22}{2} \\
%the elements, bars and milestones, are identified as elem0, elem1, etc
\ganttbar{A.Project Assigned}{1}{2} \\ %elem0
\ganttbar{B. Create Plan}{1}{4} \\ %elem1
\ganttbar{C. Ambassador Requirements}{5}{6} \\ %elem2
\ganttbar{D. Recruit Ambassadors} {7}{8} \\
\ganttbar{E. Communicate with Ambassadors } {9}{10} \\
\ganttbar {F. Set Marketing Objectives} {11}{11} \\
\ganttbar {G. Design, publish \& evaluate survey} {11}{14} \\
\ganttbar {H. Design Marketing Comms} {15}{18} \\
\ganttbar {I. Execute Plan} {19}{24} \\
\ganttbar {J. Set Webpage Objectives} {25}{25} \\
\ganttbar {K. Website Research} {25}{26} \\
\ganttbar {L. Website Prototype} {27}{28} \\
\ganttbar {M. Approve design/develop} {28}{29} \\
\ganttbar {N. Test \& evaluate} {30}{30} \\
\ganttbar {O. Venue \& theme} {31}{34} \\
\ganttbar {P. Choose Catering \& Entertainment } {35}{36} \\
\ganttbar {Q. Final Presentation} {37}{37} \\