我有一种情况,我必须根据用户选择动态构建 linq 查询。如果我必须动态生成 sql,我可以这样做:
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("SELECT * FROM products p");
sb.AppendLine("WHERE p.CategoryId > 5");
// these variables are not static but choosen by the user
var type1 = true;
var type2 = true;
var type3 = false;
string type1expression = null;
string type2expression = null;
string type3expression = null;
if (type1)
type1expression = "p.productType1 = true";
if (type2)
type2expression = "p.productType2 = true";
if (type3)
type3expression = "p.productType3 = true";
string orexpression = String.Empty;
foreach(var expression in new List<string>
{type1expression, type2expression, type3expression})
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orexpression) &&
orexpression += " OR ";
orexpression += expression;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(orexpression))
sb.AppendLine("AND (");
// result:
// SELECT * FROM products p
// WHERE p.CategoryId > 5
// AND (
// p.productType1 = true OR p.productType2 = true
// )
现在我需要以同样的方式创建一个 linq 查询。
var result = from p in db.products
where p.productType1 == true || p.productType2 == true
select p;
我用 PredicateBuilder http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx尝试过,但是这会引发亚音速异常。
var query = from p in db.products
select p;
var inner = PredicateBuilder.False<product>();
inner = inner.Or(p => p.productType1 == true);
inner = inner.Or(p => p.productType2 == true);
var result = query.Where(inner);
抛出的异常:NotSupportedException: The member 'productType1' is not supported
at SubSonic.DataProviders.MySQL.MySqlFormatter.VisitMemberAccess