假设我们想要定义一个简单的 DSL 来定义 UI 交互,我们可以在其中创建对象然后选择它们:
object TestCommand {
sealed trait EntityType
case object Project extends EntityType
case object Site extends EntityType
sealed trait TestCommand[A, E]
case class Create[A, E](entityType: EntityType, withEntity: E => A) extends TestCommand[A, E]
case class Select[A, E](entity: E, next: A) extends TestCommand[A, E]
如果我们正在使用异步 REST 调用创建对象。
如果我尝试以通常的方式定义 DSL,liftF
object TestDSL {
def create[E](entityType: EntityType): Free[TestCommand[?, E], E] =
Free.liftF(Create(entityType, identity: E => E): TestCommand[E, E])
def select[E](entity: E): Free[TestCommand[?, E], Unit] =
Free.liftF(Select[Unit, E](entity, ()))
Error:(10, 10) no type parameters for method liftF: (value: S[A])scalaz.Free[S,A] exist so that it can be applied to arguments (dsl.TestCommand.TestCommand[E,E])
--- because ---
argument expression's type is not compatible with formal parameter type;
found : dsl.TestCommand.TestCommand[E,E]
required: ?S[?A]
Free.liftF(Create(entityType, identity: E => E): TestCommand[E, E])
在 Haskell 中,上述方法没有问题:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
-- |
module TestDSL where
import Control.Monad.Free
data EntityType = Project | Site
data TestCommand e a = Create EntityType (e -> a) | Select e a
deriving Functor
-- | The DSL
create :: EntityType -> Free (TestCommand e) e
create et = liftF $ Create et id
select :: e -> Free (TestCommand e) ()
select e = liftF $ Select e ()
-- | A sample program:
test :: Free (TestCommand e) ()
test = do
p <- create Project
select p
_ <- create Site
return ()
-- | A trivial interpreter.
interpTestCommand :: TestCommand String a -> IO a
interpTestCommand (Create Project withEntity) = do
putStrLn $ "Creating a project"
return (withEntity "Project X")
interpTestCommand (Create Site withEntity) = do
putStrLn $ "Creating a site"
return (withEntity "Site 51")
interpTestCommand (Select e next) = do
putStrLn $ "Selecting " ++ e
return next
-- | Running the interpreter
runTest :: IO ()
runTest = foldFree interpTestCommand test
λ> runTest
Creating a project
Selecting Project X
Creating a site