支持 GPU 资源的 mesos 框架只有两个:Marathon 和 Aurora。我想在具有 GPU 资源的 mesos 代理上启动批处理作业。所以,只有极光支持这样的工作。但是目前dcos官方不支持Aurora。我试图整合但没有成功。DCOS Mesos 大师不注册 Aurora 框架,但参展商为 Aurora 创建记录。我没有设法在 mesos masters 日志中找到有关 Aurora 的任何记录。这是我的极光调度器配置:
JAVA_OPTS="-server -Djava.library.path='/opt/mesosphere/lib;/usr/lib;/usr/lib64'"
# Flags control the behavior of the Aurora scheduler.
# For a full list of available flags, run /usr/lib/aurora/bin/aurora-scheduler -help
# The name of this cluster.
-cluster_name='My Cluster'
# The HTTP port upon which Aurora will listen.
# The ZooKeeper URL of the ZNode where the Mesos master has registered.
# The ZooKeeper quorum to which Aurora will register itself.
# The ZooKeeper ZNode within the specified quorum to which Aurora will register its
# ServerSet, which keeps track of all live Aurora schedulers.
# Allows the scheduling of containers of the provided type.
### Native Log Settings ###
# The native log serves as a replicated database which stores the state of the
# scheduler, allowing for multi-master operation.
# Size of the quorum of Aurora schedulers which possess a native log. If running in
# multi-master mode, consult the following document to determine appropriate values:
# https://aurora.apache.org/documentation/latest/deploying-aurora-scheduler/#replicated-log-configuration
# The ZooKeeper ZNode to which Aurora will register the locations of its replicated log.
# The local directory in which an Aurora scheduler can find Aurora's replicated log.
# The local directory in which Aurora schedulers will place state backups.
### Thermos Settings ###
# The local path of the Thermos executor binary.
# Flags to pass to the Thermos executor.