我想要加速的应用程序对大型数组(大约 1e8 个元素)执行逐元素处理。

​每个元素的处理过程非常简单,我怀疑瓶颈可能不是 CPU,而是 DRAM 带宽。所以我决定一开始研究单线程版本。

系统为:Windows 10 64 位,32 GB RAM,Intel Core i7-3770S Ivybridge 1.10 GHz 4 核,启用超线程


Elapsed Time:   34.425s
    CPU Time:   14.908s
        Effective Time: 14.908s
            Idle:   0.005s
            Poor:   14.902s
            Ok: 0s
            Ideal:  0s
            Over:   0s
        Spin Time:  0s
        Overhead Time:  0s
    Wait Time:  0.000s
        Idle:   0.000s
        Poor:   0s
        Ok: 0s
        Ideal:  0s
        Over:   0s
    Total Thread Count: 2
    Paused Time:    18.767s


内存访问分析为相同数据量的三个连续运行提供不同的 CPU 时间,正如并发分析所说,实际执行时间约为 23 秒。

Elapsed Time:   33.526s
    CPU Time:   5.740s
    Memory Bound:   38.3%
        L1 Bound:   10.4%
        L2 Bound:   0.0%
        L3 Bound:   0.1%
        DRAM Bound: 0.8%
            Memory Bandwidth:   36.1%
            Memory Latency: 60.4%
    Loads:  12,912,960,000
    Stores: 7,720,800,000
    LLC Miss Count: 420,000
    Average Latency (cycles):   15
    Total Thread Count: 4
    Paused Time:    18.081s

Elapsed Time:   33.011s
    CPU Time:   4.501s
    Memory Bound:   36.9%
        L1 Bound:   10.6%
        L2 Bound:   0.0%
        L3 Bound:   0.2%
        DRAM Bound: 0.6%
            Memory Bandwidth:   36.5%
            Memory Latency: 62.7%
    Loads:  9,836,100,000
    Stores: 5,876,400,000
    LLC Miss Count: 180,000
    Average Latency (cycles):   15
    Total Thread Count: 4
    Paused Time:    17.913s

Elapsed Time:   33.738s
    CPU Time:   5.999s
    Memory Bound:   38.5%
        L1 Bound:   10.8%
        L2 Bound:   0.0%
        L3 Bound:   0.1%
        DRAM Bound: 0.9%
            Memory Bandwidth:   57.8%
            Memory Latency: 37.3%
    Loads:  13,592,760,000
    Stores: 8,125,200,000
    LLC Miss Count: 660,000
    Average Latency (cycles):   15
    Total Thread Count: 4
    Paused Time:    18.228s


发现你的内存访问性能瓶颈的论文 说原因是所谓的错误共享。但我不使用多线程,所有处理都由一个线程执行。

另一方面,根据内存访问分析/平台页面 DRAM 带宽不是瓶颈。


  1. 为什么并发分析和内存访问分析的 CPU 时间指标值不同
  2. 内存指标值不佳的原因是什么,尤其是对于 L1 Bound?

主循环是 lambda 函数,其中

  • tasklets:包含用于数据处理的系数的简单结构的 std::vector
  • 点:数据本身,Eigen::Matrix
  • 投影:Eigen::Matrix,将处理结果放入的数组


#include <iostream>
#include <future>
#include <random>

#include <Eigen/Dense>

#include <ittnotify.h>

using namespace std;

using Vector3 = Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1>;
using Matrix3X = Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, Eigen::Dynamic>;

uniform_real_distribution<float> rnd(0.1f, 100.f);
default_random_engine gen;

class Tasklet {
    Tasklet(int p1, int p2)
        p1Id(p1), p2Id(p2), Loc0(p1)
        RestDistance = rnd(gen);
        Weight_2 = rnd(gen);
    __forceinline void solve(const Matrix3X& q, Matrix3X& p)
        Vector3 q1 = q.col(p1Id);
        Vector3 q2 = q.col(p2Id);
        for (int i = 0; i < 0; ++i) {
            Vector3 delta = q2 - q1;
            float norm = delta.blueNorm() * delta.hypotNorm();
        Vector3 deltaQ = q2 - q1;
        float dist = deltaQ.norm();
        Vector3 deltaUnitVector = deltaQ / dist;
        p.col(Loc0) = deltaUnitVector * RestDistance * Weight_2;

    int p1Id;
    int p2Id;
    int Loc0;
    float RestDistance;
    float Weight_2;

typedef vector<Tasklet*> TaskList;

runTest(const Matrix3X& points, Matrix3X& projections, TaskList& tasklets)
    size_t num = tasklets.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
        Tasklet* t = tasklets[i];
        t->solve(points, projections);

prepareData(Matrix3X& points, Matrix3X& projections, int numPoints, TaskList& tasklets)
    points.resize(3, numPoints);
    projections.resize(3, numPoints);
    for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
    points.col(i) = Vector3(1, 0, 0);
    tasklets.reserve(numPoints - 1);
    for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i) {
        tasklets.push_back(new Tasklet(i - 1, i));


main(int argc, const char** argv)
    // Pause VTune data collection
    cout << "Usage: <exefile> <number of points (in thousands)> <#runs for averaging>" << endl;

    int numPoints = 150 * 1000;
    int numRuns = 1;
    int argNo = 1;

    if (argc > argNo) {
        istringstream in(argv[argNo]);
        int i;
        in >> i;
        if (in) {
            numPoints = i * 1000;
    if (argc > argNo) {
        istringstream in(argv[argNo]);
        int i;
        in >> i;
        if (in) {
            numRuns = i;
        << "Running test" << endl
        << "\t NumPoints (thousands): " << numPoints / 1000. << endl
        << "\t # of runs for averaging: " << numRuns << endl;

    Matrix3X q, projections;
    TaskList tasklets;

    cout << "Preparing test data" << endl;

    prepareData(q, projections, numPoints, tasklets);

    cout << "Running test" << endl;

    // Resume VTune data collection
    for (int r = 0; r < numRuns; ++r) {
        runTest(q, projections, tasklets);
    // Pause VTune data collection

    for (auto* t : tasklets) {
        delete t;

    return 0;



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