I wrote a piece of code for connecting to HP-ALM: Quality Centre 12.01.The basic line of code

Set tdConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")

Gives me the error

Run time error 429

ActiveX component can't create object.

In the Excel tools references I have already selected Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.0 library.


1 回答 1


You might need to install the HP ALM Connectivity Tool (TDConnect.exe). You should be able to access its documentation via https://yourqcserver/qcbin/TDConnectivity_index.html and download it via https://yourqcserver/qcbin/PlugIns/TDConnectivity/TDConnect.exe. Maybe it was called somewhat different in ALM 12.01, but the name of the exe should be the same.

于 2017-03-15T06:55:43.447 回答