我正在尝试使用 python_fu 编写一个 gimp 插件。我希望它采用许多相同大小的图层并将它们放在一条垂直线上。这将用于打开每个页面占据一层的 pdf 文件,插件会将它们放在一行中。但是,当我运行插件时,菜单中没有任何内容。当我注释掉上面带有星号的行时,插件会加载到菜单中。
from gimpfu import *
def plugin_main(timg, tdrawable, widthNum, heightNum):
layers = gimp-image-get-layers(timg) #<< Gets a list of all the layers
#Sets the WIDTH and HEIGHT to the size of the first image
WIDTH = layers[0].width
HEIGHT = layers[0].height
#Loops through all layers and moves them
for i in range(layers.length):
location = float((i+1)*HEIGHT)
transformedimage = gimp-item-transform-2d(layers[i], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, location) #<< When I comment this line out the plugin loads
gimp-image-resize-to-layers() #<< Resizes the image to fit the moved layers
"Sets out your layers as tiles",
"Sets out your layers as tiles",
"RGB*, GRAY*",