我一直在这方面遇到分段错误,有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗,我对 ASM 有点陌生
global _start
section .text
push dword 0x0068732F ; Push /sh
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov eax, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/sh In EAX
push dword 0x0000632D ; Push -c
mov ebx, esp ; Store Pointer To -c In EBX
push dword 0x00000068 ; Push h
push dword 0x7361622F ; Push /bas
push dword 0x6E69622F ; Push /bin
mov ecx, esp ; Store Pointer To /bin/bash In ECX
push dword 0x0 ; NULL
push ecx ; Push /bin/bash Pointer
push ebx ; Push -c Pointer
push eax ; Push /bin/sh Pointer
mov ebx, eax ; Move /bin/sh Pointer To EAX
mov ecx, esp ; Store /bin/sh -c /bin/bash Pointer in ECX
xor edx, edx ; Store 0 In EDX
mov al, 0xb ; sys_execve
int 0x80 ; system call
char* Args[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "/bin/bash" };
execve("/bin/sh", Args, NULL)