I'm reading Apple's documentation on using QTKit to capture streaming audio and video from input sources. I read that the central class QTCaptureSession handles the input and sends it to every possible output (QTCaptureOutput). The documentation lists six subclasses of QTCaptureOutput (e.g., QTCaptureMovieFileOutput).

I would like to create a subclass of QTCaptureOutput to write to an NSSocket so I could send the video stream over to another machine.

Any ideas would be appreciated.


1 回答 1


QTCaptureOutput作为一个设计为在 QTKit 之外进行子类化的类,我并没有给我留下深刻的印象。相反,您可以尝试使用对象将数据转储到文件系统中的本地域套接字QTCaptureFileOutput,同时从该本地域套接字中提取数据并将其发送到远程计算机。

于 2010-10-27T23:11:40.510 回答