I am looking for advice on how to associate a purchase with a particular user, (for example, a game center user) basically the user who makes the purchase. The purchase is a consumable item or subscription, so it can't be restored.

My overall design using server product delivery mode is largely working, but it doesn't work with some edge or negative cases, when a transaction is interrupted. For example,

  • gamecenter_user1 makes the purchase
  • payment is made but app is terminated
  • log in as gamecenter_user2 from game center app
  • relaunch the app
  • SKPaymentTransactionObeserver receives transation update
  • gamecenter_user2 gets the purchase

Before making a purchase, I know the user who makes the purchase, and product identifier, I can save this information. However after receiving transaction or receipt from App Store, how do I identify the user who made this purchase?



1 回答 1


好的一面是——我听说过应用程序通过设备 UDID。我认为这很常见。


  1. 如果有人更改设备,UDID 将不会保持不变。

  2. 人们似乎对应用程序在他们不知情的情况下将其 UDID 传输到外部服务器这一事实有些紧张。(我不知道为什么——但这让一些人感到害怕——最近有新闻)。

于 2010-10-31T02:59:01.310 回答