class A {
void meth(A a) { System.out.println("A a.meth() called"); }
void meth(D d) { System.out.println("A d.meth() called"); }
void meth(E e) { System.out.println("A e.meth() called"); }
class D {}
class E extends D {}
class B extends A {
void meth(A a) { System.out.println("B a.meth() called"); }
void meth(B b) { System.out.println("B b.meth() called"); }
void meth(D d) { System.out.println("B d.meth() called"); }
void meth(E e) { System.out.println("B e.meth() called"); }
public class OverldOverd {
public static void main (String[] args) {
B b = new B();
A a = b;
a.meth(a); // B a.meth() called
a.meth(b); // B a.meth() called /*! Why? !*/
I'm trying to understand this line:
Here's my algorithm: a has static type A and dynamic type B, so we go down the hierarchy into class B. Also, the static type of the argument, ie. b, is B, thus it's output should have been instead:
B b.meth() called
Clearly i'm wrong. I'm trying to figure this out. Can somebody help me understand where i'm wrong? If my algorithm is wrong let me know. Thanks in advance.