我是 PowerBI 的新手,我正在尝试从 PowerBI Online 中的 Dynamics Nav 2016 获取数据,但出现此错误:
We couldn't import data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Make sure you're entering the information correctly.
Please try again later or contact support. If you contact support, please provide these details.
Data source type
Processing errorThe column 'No' of the table wasn't found.
Correlation ID28883962-32de-95fe-bf97-85f2c3699964
Activity ID558a71dd-3cee-455e-a8e7-6b00180688f6
Request IDe864480c-e56e-287f-d891-f21a816076ff
Status code500
TimeMon Oct 31 2016 17:09:44 GMT+0200 (GTB Standard Time)
Cluster URIhttps://wabi-north-europe-redirect.analysis.windows.net