好的,最后一个问题,我将在 Common Lisp 中完成我的猜数字游戏!:D 每当游戏开始时(或在第一场比赛之后开始新的比赛),都会调用以下函数。
;;; Play the game
(defun play ()
;; If it's their first time playing this session,
;; make sure to greet the user.
(unless (> *number-of-guesses* 0)
;; Reset their remaining guesses
(setq *number-of-guesses* 0)
;; Set the target value
(setq *target*
;; Random can return float values,
;; so we must round the result to get
;; an integer value.
;; Add one to the result, because
;; (random 100) yields a number between
;; 0 and 99, whereas we want a number
;; from 1 to 100 inclusive.
(+ (random 100) 1)))
(if (eql (prompt-for-guess) t)
默认为 82。如何使(random)