我有个问题。为什么我无法从 Tarantool LUA 管理控制台访问文件?我在监狱里吗?
tarantool -h myhost -a 33015
console client commands:
- help
- loadfile 'path'
- setopt key=val
- (possible pairs: delimiter = 'string' )
- ( pager = 'command' )
available commands:
- help
- exit
- show info
- show fiber
- show configuration
- show slab
- show palloc
- show stat
- show plugins
- save coredump
- save snapshot
- lua command
- reload configuration
- show injections (debug mode only)
- set injection <name> <state> (debug mode only)
myhost> lua file = io.open("/etc/motd", "r")
attempt to index global ''io''
[string "local s=require(''socket'');local t=assert(s.tc..."]:1: attempt to call global ''require''
是否可以从 Tarantool LUA 控制台中读取文件并执行命令?