我正在为 Flatpickr 的 ( https://chmln.github.io/flatpickr/ ) onDayCreate 事件而苦苦挣扎。这里有没有人知道如何检查选择器的日期对象是否与我的日期数组中的任何日期匹配?


dates: {
"20161029": 3,
"20161030": 0,
"20161031": 0,
"20161101": 4,
"20161102": 4,
"20161103": 4,
"20161104": 5,
"20161105": 1,
"20161106": 0,
"20161107": 4,
"20161108": 3,
"20161109": 3,
"20161110": 4

我需要检查值是 0、>3 还是 5 并将类添加到该日期。Flatpickr 有一个例子,但它使用数学函数来随机化哪些日期应该有新的 span 元素(例子)。但我无法将我的 if else 配置为 addClass。


3 回答 3


为了方便起见,我创建了一个类字典。您可以使用对象的键来检索与 flatpickr 触发 onCreateDay 回调的日期关联的数字。使用与一天关联的值,您可以从字典中获取类,如果它不为空,则将其添加到元素中。




var dates = {
    20161029: 3,
    20161030: 0,
    20161031: 0,
    20161101: 4,
    20161102: 4,
    20161103: 4,
    20161104: 5,
    20161105: 1,
    20161106: 0,
    20161107: 4,
    20161108: 3,
    20161109: 3,
    20161110: 4
  classDict = {
    0: 'redClass',
    1: 'greenClass',
    3: 'blueClass',
    4: 'greyClass',
    5: 'orangeClass'

// Better always use a two digit format in your dates obj
function get2DigitFmt(val) {
  return ('0' + val).slice(-2);

// onDayCreate event, add class to day if date has a class
flatpickr("#dayCreate", {
  onDayCreate: function(dObj, dStr, fp, dayElem) {
    var date = dayElem.dateObj,
      // Note the + 1 in the month.
      key = date.getFullYear() + get2DigitFmt(date.getMonth() + 1) + get2DigitFmt(date.getDate()),
      value = classDict[dates[key]];
    if (value) {
      dayElem.className += ' ' + value;
.redClass {
  background-color: red !important;
.greenClass {
  background-color: green !important;
.blueClass {
  background-color: blue !important;
.greyClass {
  background-color: grey !important;
.orangeClass {
  background-color: orange !important;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/flatpickr"></script>
<input id="dayCreate" type="text" placeholder="Select Date..">


字典的想法是简化添加/删除类并避免丑陋的开关或长 ifs。但是,您可以轻松修改代码以按值过滤(仅大于 3 的值获取类)并在满足条件时添加您想要的任何类。


function getClass(value) {
  // Here you could put any logic you want. Ifs, add the value to a string, whatever...
    return value === 4 ? 'redClass' : 'blueClass';
// onDayCreate event, add class to day if date has a class
flatpickr("#dayCreate", {
  onDayCreate: function(dObj, dStr, fp, dayElem) {
    var date = dayElem.dateObj,
      // Note the + 1 in the month.
      key = date.getFullYear() + get2DigitFmt(date.getMonth() + 1) + get2DigitFmt(date.getDate()),
      value = dates[key];
    if (value > 3) {
      dayElem.className += ' ' + getClass(value);

正如您在我提供的解决方案中看到的那样,无需一直遍历对象以获取与日期关联的值,您可以在恒定时间内获取它,从 flatpickr 的日期组成日期的键在构建日期时提供(onCreateDay 回调)。


根据文档(或者看起来如此),为了在 onDayCreate 回调中获取当前日期的日期,您必须使用 fp(currentYear 和 currentMonth)和 dayElem(textContent)的属性。

但是, currentMonth 总是返回 flatpicker 当前显示的月份,而不是当天的月份(日历可以显示 11 月,但日期可以是 10 月或 12 月),因此需要进行一些修改以避免标记不正确的日期.

在这个小提琴中,您可以找到一个不使用 dateObj 并且更像文档所述的解决方案。


// Better always use a two digit format in your dates obj
function get2DigitFmt(val) {
  return ('0' + val).slice(-2);

function getClass(value) {
  // Here you could put any logic you want. Ifs, add the value to a string, whatever...
  return value === 4 ? 'redClass' : 'blueClass';

// Adjust month depending on the month's day
function getMonth(currentMonth, dayClass) {
  return currentMonth + (dayClass.contains('prevMonthDay') ? 0 : (1 + Number(dayClass.contains('nextMonthDay'))));

function getDateKey(year, month, day) {
  return year + get2DigitFmt(month) + get2DigitFmt(day);

// onDayCreate event, add class to day if date has a class
flatpickr("#dayCreate", {
  onDayCreate: function(dObj, dStr, fp, dayElem) {
    var key = getDateKey(fp.currentYear, getMonth(fp.currentMonth, dayElem.className), dayElem.textContent),
      value = dates[key];
    if (value > 3) {
      dayElem.className += ' ' + getClass(value);
于 2016-11-03T22:07:50.820 回答


   var dates =  {
       20161029: 3,
       20161030: 0,
       20161031: 0,
       20161101: 4,
       20161102: 4,
       20161103: 4,
       20161104: 5,
       20161105: 1,
       20161106: 0,
       20161107: 4,
       20161108: 3,
       20161109: 3,
       20161110: 4

    flatpickr("#dayCreate", {
      onDayCreate: function (dObj, dStr, fp, dayElem) {
        //because you're working with an object and not an array, 
        //we'll iterate using its keys
        var myDateKeys = Object.keys(dates);
        for (var i = 0; i < myDateKeys.length; i++) {
            var myDateKey = myDateKeys[i]; // "20161029 
            var myDateVal = dates[myDateKey]; // 3       
            var myYear = parseInt(myDateKey.substr(0, 4));
            var myMonth = parseInt(myDateKey.substr(4, 2));
            var myDay = parseInt(myDateKey.substr(6, 2));

            var myDateObj = new Date(myYear + '-' + myMonth + '-' + myDay + ' 00:00:00');
            var fDateObj = dayElem.dateObj;

            //compare with event date 

             if (myDateObj.getTime() == fDateObj.getTime()) {
                    $(dayElem).addClass('myFancyDateClass' + myDateVal);


   color: red;
   color: green;
   color: blue;
   color: yellow;
   color: pink;
于 2016-11-03T15:29:03.067 回答

感谢 nfreeze 和 acontell 在我认为该插件的文档有点难以理解时(至少对我而言)帮助我解决了这个问题。


该错误是由于我的旧版本插件造成的。我有 2.0.5(目前是 bower 的版本)并dateObj在我手动更新到 2.0.6 版本时开始工作。


var obj = dates,
    keys = Object.keys(obj),
    notAvailable = {},
    fewAvailable = {},
    available = {},

    var formattedDates = keys.filter(function(key) {
        if ( !obj[key]) {
          date = moment( key, 'YYYYMMDD' ).format();
          value = 'full';
          return notAvailable[date] = value;
        } else if( obj[key] < 3 ) {
          date = moment( key, 'YYYYMMDD' ).format();
          value = 'fewAvailable';
          return fewAvailable[date] = value;
        } else if( obj[key] >= 3 ) {
          date = moment( key, 'YYYYMMDD' ).format();
          value = 'available';
          return available[date] = value;

 var datesForPicker = Object.assign(notAvailable, fewAvailable, available);

然后我使用了 onCreate 事件:

flatpickr("#dayCreate", {
 onDayCreate: function(dObj, dStr, fp, dayElem) {

   var date = moment(dayElem.dateObj).format(),
       value = datesForPicker[date];

   if( value ){
    dayElem.className += ' ' + value;


使用 Moment.js 是合乎逻辑的,因为我已经在我的项目中使用了它,moment 格式的原因是让这些日期具有相同的格式。你也可以通过其他方式做到这一点。

于 2016-11-04T19:05:33.613 回答