我正在尝试让 PayPal 的 ExpressCheckout 与定期付款一起使用。我已经完成了前两个阶段(调用 SetExpressCheckout 和 GetExpressCheckoutDetails),但 CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile 失败并出现以下错误。我正在使用 Paypal 示例代码的修改版本,但我怀疑我(不是)设置了编码器值。以前有人用过这个吗?


// TIMESTAMP: 2010-10-27T09:57:47Z
// CORRELATIONID: ad2b2da33c672
// ACK: Failure
// VERSION: 51.0
// BUILD: 1553277
// L_ERRORCODE0: 11502
// L_SHORTMESSAGE0: Invalid Token
// L_LONGMESSAGE0: The token is invalid


/// This returns true
public bool SetExpressCheckout(string amt, ref string token, ref string retMsg)
    string host = "www.paypal.com";
    if (bSandbox) {
        pendpointurl = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp";
        host = "www.sandbox.paypal.com";

    string baseUrl = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority;
    string[] returnUrlParts = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaypalReturnUrl"].Split('?'),
             cancelUrlParts = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PaypalCancelUrl"].Split('?');
    string returnURL = baseUrl + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(returnUrlParts[0]) + (returnUrlParts.Length > 1 ? '?' + returnUrlParts.Skip(1).Aggregate((itms, itm) => itms + itm) : string.Empty),
           cancelURL = baseUrl + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(cancelUrlParts[0]) + (cancelUrlParts.Length > 1 ? '?' + cancelUrlParts.Skip(1).Aggregate((itms, itm) => itms + itm) : string.Empty);

    NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
    encoder["METHOD"] = "SetExpressCheckout";
    encoder["RETURNURL"] = returnURL;
    encoder["CANCELURL"] = cancelURL;
    encoder["AMT"] = amt;
    //encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = "SALE";
    encoder["CURRENCYCODE"] = "GBP";
    encoder["NOSHIPPING"] = "1";
    encoder["L_BILLINGTYPE0"] = "RecurringPayments";
    encoder["L_BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION0"] = "Subscription for MySite";

    string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
    string pStresponsenvp = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp);

    NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

    string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();
    if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" || strAck == "successwithwarning")) {
        token = decoder["TOKEN"];
        string ECURL = "https://" + host + "/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout" + "&token=" + token;
        retMsg = ECURL;
        return true;
    } else {
        retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
            "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
            "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
        return false;

/// This returns true
public bool GetExpressCheckoutDetails(string token, ref string PayerId, ref string retMsg)
    if (bSandbox) {
        pendpointurl = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp";
    NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
    encoder["METHOD"] = "GetExpressCheckoutDetails";
    encoder["TOKEN"] = token;

    string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
    string pStresponsenvp = HttpCall(pStrrequestforNvp);

    NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

    string strAck = decoder["ACK"].ToLower();
    if (strAck != null && (strAck == "success" || strAck == "successwithwarning")) {
        return true;
    } else {
        retMsg = "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
            "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
            "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
        return false;

// This fails and returns false with the following in the decoder result
// TIMESTAMP: 2010-10-27T09:57:47Z
// CORRELATIONID: ad2b2da33c672
// ACK: Failure
// VERSION: 51.0
// BUILD: 1553277
// L_ERRORCODE0: 11502
// L_SHORTMESSAGE0: Invalid Token
// L_LONGMESSAGE0: The token is invalid
public bool CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileCode(string token, string amount, string profileDate, string billingPeriod, string billingFrequency, ref string retMsg)
    NVPCallerServices caller = new NVPCallerServices();
    IAPIProfile profile = ProfileFactory.createSignatureAPIProfile();
    profile.APIUsername = this.APIUsername;
    profile.APIPassword = this.APIPassword;
    profile.APISignature = this.APISignature;
    profile.Environment = "sandbox";
    caller.APIProfile = profile;
    string host = "www.paypal.com";
    if (bSandbox) {
        pendpointurl = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp";
        host = "www.sandbox.paypal.com";

    NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
    encoder["VERSION"] = "51.0";

    // Add request-specific fields to the request.
    encoder["METHOD"] = "CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile";
    encoder["TOKEN"] = token;
    encoder["AMT"] = amount;
    encoder["PROFILESTARTDATE"] = profileDate; //Date format from server expects Ex: 2006-9-6T0:0:0
    encoder["BILLINGPERIOD"] = billingPeriod;
    encoder["BILLINGFREQUENCY"] = billingFrequency;
    encoder["L_BILLINGTYPE0"] = "RecurringPayments";
    encoder["DESC"] = "Subscription for MySite";

    // Execute the API operation and obtain the response.
    string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
    string pStresponsenvp = caller.Call(pStrrequestforNvp);

    NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
    //return decoder["ACK"];
    string strAck = decoder["ACK"];
    bool success = false;
    if (strAck != null && (strAck == "Success" || strAck == "SuccessWithWarning")) {
        success = true; // check decoder["result"]
    } else {
        success = false;

    StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < decoder.Keys.Count; i++) {
        buffer.AppendFormat("{0}: {1}", decoder.Keys[i], decoder.GetValues(i).Aggregate((vals, val) => vals + "----" + val));
    retMsg = buffer.ToString();

    return success;// returns false


NVPAPICaller ppapi = new NVPAPICaller();
NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
string retMsg = string.Empty,
       token = Convert.ToString(Session["token"]),
       finalPaymentAmount = "15",
       payerId = Convert.ToString(Session["payerId"] ?? string.Empty); // set from SetExpressCheckout

bool shippingSuccess = ppapi.GetExpressCheckoutDetails(token, ref payerId, ref retMsg);
if (shippingSuccess) {
    payerId = Session["payerId"].ToString();
    btnConfirm.Enabled = false;
    bool paymentSuccess = ppapi.CreateRecurringPaymentsProfileCode(token, finalPaymentAmount, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-M-DTH:m:s"), "Year", "1", ref retMsg);
    // but paymentSuccess is false

2 回答 2


这实际上是最后的日期,但我花了很长时间才注意到。在调用CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile, encoder["PROFILESTARTDATE"] = profileDate;是错误的。我在需要时使用yyyy-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss格式yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss (lowercase d's).

于 2010-10-27T15:52:29.103 回答


于 2011-09-25T14:40:51.120 回答