什么需要使用delphi prism而不是Visual Studio;我是一个德尔福程序员,所以我喜欢对象帕斯卡,但德尔福棱镜还有什么其他没有的


5 回答 5


“ Delphi Prism 而不是 Visual Studio ”是什么意思?!Delphi Prism 是 .NET 平台中的帕斯卡风格。Visual Studio 是一个 IDE。Delphi Prism 使用 Visual Studio 作为其 IDE。因此,当您在 Delphi Prism 中编码或调试您的 prism 代码时,您是在 Visual Studio 中进行的,就像使用 C# 或 VB.NET 一样。

.NET 应该支持多种编程语言,并为所有针对它的语言提供通用类型和库。Delphi Prism 只是另一种 .NET 语言。它可以访问 .NET 为语言提供的所有内容。它还具有一些独特的语言功能(请参阅PRUZ 帖子)。

因此,当您想在 Pascal 中为 .NET 平台编写代码时,或者如果您确实需要在您的 .NET 应用程序中使用它的任何独特的语言特性时,您可以使用 Delphi Prism。

当然,微软自己的语言(C#、VB.NET、F#)在 .NET 中与第三方语言提供商相比几乎没有优势:

  • 有很多书籍和文章 - 包括 MSDN - 是关于 MS 语言的,或者是用 C# 或 VB.NET 示例代码编写的关于 .NET 的(最近 Delphi Prism 添加了一个自动将 C# 代码片段转换为 Delphi Prism 代码的工具)。
  • 新的 .NET 功能将首先提供给 Microsoft 自己的
    新 .NET 功能,您可能需要
  • 而且,一些 IDE 功能,如 .NET 精简版的可视化表单设计器,仅针对 C# 和 VB.NET 提供。
于 2010-10-27T09:54:20.550 回答

Like any other programming language, we don't need Delphi Prism. But Prism is an option for software developers with a Pascal/Delphi background to start developing for DotNET. Is this important? For some, yes. For others, not really.

I have over 20 years of experience with Pascal and am familiar with every Delphi version since the first one. But 8 years ago, I also learned C# simply because Delphi was too weak as a tool for developing DotNET applications. And unfortunately, no matter how much Embarcadero/Borland tries, their development of Prism will also be behind the generic DotNET products that Microsoft keeps publishing.

The advantage of Prism is that it's an add-on for Visual Studio. And you can use Prism to write applications for the Mono platform, which is used on Apple's Mac computers. It can also work together with C# and VB.NET applications and you can create mixed projects where you use Delphi, C# and VB.NET to create a single product. (Made of multiple assemblies, though.) Prism allows you to create Pascal code that you can use in your regular WIN32 environment but also in DotNET. This code can't be too platform-specific but in general you can get some very good results this way.

Delphi Prism isn't fully developed by Borland/Embarcadero, though! It started with RemObjects, who created an alternative compiler for Delphi-like code, but with some additional features that you won't find in regular Delphi code. RemObjects started to just push out Delphi for DotNET from the market, since RemObjects provided a nicer product and they had focused more on the DotNET issues. So the two started to work together to create Prism.

Like any programming language, Prism has some features that you won't find elsewhere. If those features are practical always depends on if you can find some practical usage for them. In my personal opinion, if you already have Visual Studio and you're only creating applications for the Windows platform then you won't really need Prism. If you have additional Delphi experience, you might like Prism for some projects. If you need to port a Delphi/WIN32 application to DotNET then Prism might help with that. But I don't know of any advantage that would make Prism a requirement.

于 2010-10-27T10:26:25.887 回答

Personally I think Delphi Prism do more bad than good for the (real) Delphi ecosystem. I can not deny that the RemObject's product has many interesting things and technically well done, but as a (real) Delphi programmer and enthusiast I see that thay are dangerously distracting the attention and giving some ambiguos non clear message to new comers and .Net programmers.

A (MS) .Net programmer will never move to D. Prism, only Delphi programmers who wants a smooth transition while leaving the boat.

Since there is no tie between D. Prism and (real) Delphi it was a bad move to name it Delphi. They share some basic pascal syntaxis but that's all. They even do not share their improvments, nor they can be used fully integrated.

于 2010-10-27T15:10:31.927 回答

I bought Rad Studio for Delphi and C++ but I spend most of my time with Prism. As for the old saw that third party products for net are behind the Microsoft products, I say that is just ignorance talking in this case. Prism is not lacking anything that C octothorpe or Visual Basic has. The net system is best programmed by Hejilsburgs' best language, object pascal, and Rem Objects has been improving the best language for net all the time. Those guys at Rem Objects move fast and make things happen. All the updates come from them, Embarcadero just stands and salutes. By the way, the C# to Prism convertor really works. I grab code at msdn and paste it into Prism with no worries.

于 2012-02-22T06:06:42.757 回答

You can view old question Will you use Delphi Prism, about many opining about Delphi prism from Delphi developers and others.

于 2010-10-27T13:14:56.757 回答