让我们假设这是 286,所以你没有eax
number dd 0x12345678 ; = dw 0x5678, 0x1234
result dw 0, 0, 0 ; 32b * 16b = 48b needed
mov ax,[number] ; 0x5678
mov cx,[number+2] ; 0x1234 ; cx, dx will be used later
mov bx,0x9ABC
; now you want unsigned 0x12345678 * 0x9ABC (= 0xB00DA73B020)
mul bx ; dx:ax = 0x5678 * 0x9ABC
; ^ check instruction reference guide why "dx:ax"!
xchg cx,ax
mov di,dx ; di:cx = intermediate result
mul bx ; dx:ax = 0x1234 * 0x9ABC
; put the intermediate multiplication results together
; into one 48b number dx:di:cx
add di,ax
adc dx,0
; notice how I added the new result as *65536 to old result
; by using different 16bit registers
; store the result
mov [result],cx
mov [result+2],di
mov [result+4],dx
这与您在纸上相乘的方式相同,只是您不移动 *10 分量,而是利用 16b 寄存器大小的性质移动 *65536 (0x10000) 分量以减少步骤。
* 37
91 (13 * 7)
39_ (13 * 3, shifted left by *base (=10))
---- (summing the intermediate results, the 39 "shifted")
481 (13 * 37)