我正在使用 RX 2.2.5。我有 2 个视图加载子订单
.Where(subOs => subOs != null)
.GroupBy(subOs => subOs.OrderId)
.Subscribe(subOrdUpdates =>
AddIfNew(subOrdUpdates.Key, subOrdUpdates.Snoop("AfterGrpBy" + "--" + subOrdUpdates.Key));
在 groupBy 获得所有元素序列之前,问题出现在 groupby 之后,它很少错过元素序列。我不认为它的并发问题从日志中可以明显看出。自定义 Snoop 扩展方法用于生成这些日志。
16:15:44.8169968 : (1) : BeforeGrpBy: OnNext({ OrderId = 9Zsj8Z4sTRb, OrderType = WNX6, Quantity = 10, Price = 178.78125})
16:15:44.8169968 : (1) : AfterGrpBy--9Zsj8Z4sTRb: Observable obtained
16:15:44.8369988 : (9) : AfterGrpBy--9Zsj8Z4sTRb: Subscribed to on.
16:15:44.8379989 : (1) : BeforeGrpBy: OnNext({ OrderId = 9Zsj8Z4sTRb, OrderType = WNX6, Quantity = 10, Price = 178.78125})
16:15:44.8379989 : (9) : AfterGrpBy--9Zsj8Z4sTRb: Subscription completed.
16:15:44.8590010 : (1) : AfterGrpBy--9Zsj8Z4sTRb: Observable obtained
16:15:44.8600011 : (9) : AfterGrpBy--9Zsj8Z4sTRb: Subscribed to on.
16:15:44.8610012 : (9) : AfterGrpBy--9Zsj8Z4sTRb: Subscription completed.
16:15:44.8620013 : (1) : AfterGrpBy--9Zsj8Z4sTRb: OnNext({ OrderId = 9Zsj8Z4sTRb, OrderType = WNX6, Quantity = 10, Price = 178.78125})
正如您在 groupby onNext 被调用两次之前所看到的,但在它错过了一次之后。这里的 Rx 语法有问题还是已知问题?任何见解会有所帮助吗?如果需要进一步澄清,请发表评论。
更新: 添加工作/理想的日志:
16:15:45.1070258 : (1) : BeforeGrpBy: OnNext({ OrderId = 44Fqp3ubNmL, OrderType = TTT6, Quantity = 39, Price = 130.21875})
16:15:45.1280279 : (1) : AfterGrpBy--44Fqp3ubNmL: Observable obtained
16:15:45.1310282 : (10) : AfterGrpBy--44Fqp3ubNmL: Subscribed to on.
16:15:45.1320283 : (10) : AfterGrpBy--44Fqp3ubNmL: Subscription completed.
16:15:45.1320283 : (1) : AfterGrpBy--44Fqp3ubNmL: OnNext({ OrderId = 44Fqp3ubNmL, OrderType = TTT6, Quantity = 39, Price = 130.21875})
16:15:45.1330284 : (1) : BeforeGrpBy: OnNext({ OrderId = 44Fqp3ubNmL, OrderType = TTT6, Quantity = 39, Price = 130.21875})
16:15:45.1330284 : (1) : AfterGrpBy--44Fqp3ubNmL: Observable obtained
16:15:45.1340285 : (10) : AfterGrpBy--44Fqp3ubNmL: Subscribed to on.
16:15:45.1340285 : (10) : AfterGrpBy--44Fqp3ubNmL: Subscription completed.
16:15:45.1350286 : (1) : AfterGrpBy--44Fqp3ubNmL: OnNext({ OrderId = 44Fqp3ubNmL, OrderType = TTT6, Quantity = 39, Price = 130.21875})
更新 2:可能的错误或功能
GroupBy 仅在 fireNewMapEntry 为真(GroupBy.cs)时才会触发 groupedObservable 并且这发生在这里
if (!_map.TryGetValue(key, out writer))
writer = new Subject<TElement>();
_map.Add(key, writer);
fireNewMapEntry = true;
其中 _map 的类型为Dictionary<TKey, ISubject<TElement>>