
我对GraphStream和都是新手Java。但是,我确实有使用其他 OOP 语言的经验,例如C++. 我个人觉得教程GraphStream很少,例如LayoutAPI 没有提到哪些布局算法是有效的。因此,我正在寻找更综合的教程。



  • 将图形导入为.dgs
  • 将图形导入为.csv
  • 从自动布局更改为指定布局(请首先列出哪些也是有效的)
  • 更改所有边缘属性(例如重量)
  • 从st最多找到n条长度为l或更短的路径。
  • 添加一个事件(例如单击节点,获取有关从该节点显示的路径长度的用户输入,适当地修剪/增长)



我正在使用 Eclipse。从GraphStream存储库中,我已将以下内容添加到我的构建路径中:gs-algo-1.3gs-core-1.3gs-openord-mastergs-ui-1.3

//import anything I might need
import org.graphstream.graph.*;
import org.graphstream.graph.implementations.*;
import org.graphstream.stream.file.*;
import org.graphstream.algorithm.*;
import org.graphstream.ui.layout.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class pleaseHelpMe {
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        //do something that was in some code somewhere... 
        //please explain

        //instantiate a graph
        Graph graph = new SingleGraph("thisGraphNeedsHelp");
        graph.addAttribute("ui.antialias"); //this does something...
        graph.addAttribute("ui.quality"); //this sounds less important...
        graph.setAttribute("ui.stylesheet", "url(../myStyle.css);"); //get some style

        //errors, errors everywhere
        //OpenOrdLayout layout = new OpenOrdLayout();

        //changing all edges layout.weight is not that simple

        graph.dsiplay();//this just makes the canvas?

        FileSource source = new FileSourceDGS(); //prep. to get a file

        //make graph a sink of source to get the contents of the file

        source.begin("../dgs_files/awesomeFile.dgs");//read the file? strange command name i.m.o. file below.

        while(source.nextEvents()); //keep graph interactive? or is this the GraphStream version of readline?

        source.end() //close file? or end interaction?

        //find paths
        //get user input



DGS 文件

null 0 0
an a ui.label:a
an b ui.label:b
an c ui.label:c
an d ui.label:d
an e ui.label:e
an f ui.label:f
ae a_c a > c
ae c_e c > e
ae e_a e > a
ae b_d b > d
ae d_f d > f
ae f_b f > b
ae f_a f > a
ae e_b e > b
ae d_c d > c

CSS 文件

node:clicked {
    fill-color: purple;
    text-size:    16;
    text-style:   bold;
    text-color:   #FFF;
    text-alignment: at-right; 
    text-padding: 3px, 2px; 
    text-background-mode: rounded-box; 
    text-background-color: #A7CC; 
    text-color: white; 
    text-offset: 5px, 0px; 

node {
    size:         20px;
    shape:        circle;
    fill-color:   #8facb4;
    stroke-mode:  plain;
    stroke-color: black;


edge {
    size:           2px;
    fill-mode:      plain;
    /*changing edge layout here also doesn't work*/

/*edge:clicked isn't a thing... :( */

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