create table Features
FeatureId bigint,
FeatureName varchar(255),
ParentId bigint
insert into Features values(10, 'Feature 1', 1);
insert into Features values(11, 'Feature 2', 10);
insert into Features values(12, 'Feature 3', 11);
insert into Features values(13, 'Feature 4', 2);
insert into Features values(14, 'Feature 5', 13);
insert into Features values(15, 'Feature 6', 3);
insert into Features values(16, 'Feature 7', 15);
insert into Features values(17, 'Feature 8', 16);
insert into Features values(18, 'Feature 9', 17);
insert into Features values(19, 'Feature 10', 18);
insert into Features values(20, 'Feature 11', 19);
insert into Features values(21, 'Feature 12', 12);
create table Scenarios
ScenarioId bigint,
ParentId bigint,
ScenarioTitle varchar(25)
insert into Scenarios values(1, 0, 'Scenario 1')
insert into Scenarios values(2, 0, 'Scenario 2')
insert into Scenarios values(3, 0, 'Scenario 3')
在这里,一个特征可以有另一个特征作为父级,也可以有一个场景作为父级。对于场景,父 ID 可以是 0,也可以是其他场景。
FeatureId ParentId FeatureName PathString PathLength
10 1 Feature 1 1 0
11 10 Feature 2 1/10 1
12 11 Feature 3 1/10/11 2
13 2 Feature 4 2 0
14 13 Feature 5 2/13 1
15 3 Feature 6 3 0
16 15 Feature 7 3/15 1
17 16 Feature 8 3/15/16 2
18 17 Feature 9 3/15/16/17 3
19 18 Feature 10 3/15/16/17/18 4
20 19 Feature 11 3/15/16/17/18/19 5
21 12 Feature 12 1/10/11/12 3
由于我想将此结果收集到临时表中以进行进一步处理,因此我尝试了select into
Azure SQL DW throwsUsing SELECT INTO statement is not supported in Parallel Data Warehouse. Modify the statement and re-try executing it.
这是我的查询(可能不是很好,因为我仍在计算递归 sql)
drop table FeaturesWithPath;
;WITH FeaturePaths (FeatureId, ParentId, FeatureName, PathString)
-- Anchor member definition
SELECT g.FeatureId, g.ParentId, g.FeatureName, cast(CAST(g.ParentId as nvarchar(max)) as varchar(max)) as PathString
FROM dbo.Features AS g
-- Recursive member definition
SELECT g.FeatureId, g.ParentId, g.FeatureName, PathString + '/' + cast(g.ParentId as varchar(max))
FROM dbo.Features AS g
INNER JOIN FeaturePaths AS gp
ON g.ParentId = gp.FeatureId
SELECT FeatureId, ParentId, FeatureName, PathString into FeaturesWithPath FROM FeaturePaths;
--select * from FeaturesWithPath order by FeatureId;
drop table FeaturesWithPathLength;
select *, LEN(PathString) - LEN(REPLACE(PathString, '/', '')) as PathLength into FeaturesWithPathLength from FeaturesWithPath
--select * from FeaturesWithPathLength order by FeatureId
drop table MaxFeaturePathLenghtRowTable;
select * into MaxFeaturePathLenghtRowTable
from FeaturesWithPathLength
where PathLength = (select max(PathLength) from FeaturesWithPathLength as f where f.FeatureId = FeaturesWithPathLength.FeatureId)
or PathLength = (select max(PathLength) from FeaturesWithPathLength as f where f.FeatureId = FeaturesWithPathLength.FeatureId
and PathLength > (select max(PathLength) from FeaturesWithPathLength as f2 where f2.FeatureId = FeaturesWithPathLength.FeatureId));
--select * from MaxFeaturePathLenghtRowTable order by FeatureId
drop table FeaturesPerParentTable
select FeatureId, [value] as NewParentId, FeatureName, COALESCE(NULLIF(SUBSTRING(PathString, 0, CHARINDEX('/', PathString)), ''), [value]) AS ScenarioId into FeaturesPerParentTable
from MaxFeaturePathLenghtRowTable
cross apply STRING_SPLIT (PathString, '/') cs order by FeatureId
select * from FeaturesPerParentTable order by FeatureId;
我试图将 CTE 转换为使用CTAS,但这也不起作用。
这就是我尝试 CTAS 的方式:
;WITH FeaturePaths (FeatureId, ParentId, FeatureName, PathString)
-- Anchor member definition
SELECT g.FeatureId, g.ParentId, g.FeatureName, cast(CAST(g.ParentId as nvarchar(max)) as varchar(max)) as PathString
FROM dbo.Features AS g
--WHERE parentId=0
-- Recursive member definition
SELECT g.FeatureId, g.ParentId, g.FeatureName, PathString + '/' + cast(g.ParentId as varchar(max))
FROM dbo.Features AS g
INNER JOIN FeaturePaths AS gp
ON g.ParentId = gp.FeatureId
SELECT FeatureId, ParentId, FeatureName, PathString
FROM FeaturePaths;
现在我想知道是否有一种方法可以获取每个功能的路径Azure SQL DW
- 更新 -
有关 SQL 中的解决方案,请参阅此
void Main()
var scenarios = new List<Scenario> {
new Scenario{Id = 1, Title = "Scenario 1", ParentId = 0},
new Scenario{Id = 2, Title = "Scenario 2", ParentId = 0},
new Scenario{Id = 3, Title = "Scenario 3", ParentId = 0},
var features = new List<Feature> {
new Feature{Id =10, Title = "Feature 1", ParentId =1},
new Feature{Id =11, Title = "Feature 2", ParentId =10},
new Feature{Id =12, Title = "Feature 3", ParentId =11},
new Feature{Id =13, Title = "Feature 4", ParentId =2},
new Feature{Id =14, Title = "Feature 5", ParentId =13},
new Feature{Id =15, Title = "Feature 6", ParentId =3},
new Feature{Id =16, Title = "Feature 7", ParentId =15},
new Feature{Id =17, Title = "Feature 8", ParentId =16},
new Feature{Id =18, Title = "Feature 9", ParentId =17},
new Feature{Id =19, Title = "Feature 10", ParentId =18},
new Feature{Id =20, Title = "Feature 11", ParentId =19},
new Feature{Id =21, Title = "Feature 12", ParentId =12}
var scenarioIds = new HashSet<long>(scenarios.Select(x => x.Id));
//get path
IList<Feature> withPath = features.Select(x => { x.Path = GetPath(x, features, scenarioIds); return x; }).ToList().Dump("With path");
private string GetPath(Feature f, IList<Feature> features, HashSet<long> scenarioIds)
if (scenarioIds.Contains(f.ParentId))
return f.ParentId.ToString();
var parent = features.First(d => d.Id == f.ParentId);
return GetPath(parent, features, scenarioIds) + "/" + f.ParentId;
public class Scenario
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public long ParentId { get; set; }
public class Feature
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public long ParentId { get; set; }
public string Path { get; set; } //temp