在我的应用程序中,我只支持欧元和美元货币。因此,例如,当用户尝试使用 Siri 向英镑付款时,我要求他在欧元和美元之间进行选择。
- 100 美元
- 100 欧元
如果我选择 100 美元,intent.currencyAmount!.currencyCode
func resolveCurrencyAmount(forSendPayment intent: INSendPaymentIntent, with completion: @escaping (INCurrencyAmountResolutionResult) -> Void) {
if let currencyAmount = intent.currencyAmount { // need to check if we have proper value
if let amount = currencyAmount.amount {
if amount.doubleValue == 0 { // wrong amount
if let currencyCode = currencyAmount.currencyCode {
if let _ = EnumCurrency(rawValue: currencyCode) { // we found currency code that we know
completion(INCurrencyAmountResolutionResult.success(with: INCurrencyAmount(amount: NSDecimalNumber(value: abs(amount.doubleValue)), currencyCode: currencyCode)))
// if we are here so we don't have proper currency, try to offer user to choose the same amount but with all possible currencies
let disambiguationArray: [INCurrencyAmount] = EnumCurrency.allValues.map({ (currency) -> INCurrencyAmount in
return INCurrencyAmount(amount: NSDecimalNumber(value: abs(amount.doubleValue)), currencyCode: currency.rawValue)
completion(INCurrencyAmountResolutionResult.disambiguation(with: disambiguationArray))
else { // we don't have value
enum EnumCurrency : String {
case EUR = "EUR"
case USD = "USD"
static let allValues = [EUR, USD]
2)在plist文件中只留下一种意图:http ://take.ms/pt16N
3)您的 IntentHandler 类(将由 xCode 创建)必须确认 INSendPaymentIntentHandling 协议
4)在 IntentHandler 类中添加:
func resolveCurrencyAmount(forSendPayment intent: INSendPaymentIntent, with completion: @escaping (INCurrencyAmountResolutionResult) -> Void) {
if let currencyAmount = intent.currencyAmount { // need to check if we have proper value
if let amount = currencyAmount.amount {
if amount.doubleValue == 0 { // wrong amount
if let currencyCode = currencyAmount.currencyCode {
if let _ = EnumCurrency(rawValue: currencyCode) { // we found currency code that we know
completion(INCurrencyAmountResolutionResult.success(with: INCurrencyAmount(amount: NSDecimalNumber(value: abs(amount.doubleValue)), currencyCode: currencyCode)))
// if we are here so we don't have proper currency, try to offer user to choose the same amount but with all possible currencies
let disambiguationArray: [INCurrencyAmount] = EnumCurrency.allValues.map({ (currency) -> INCurrencyAmount in
return INCurrencyAmount(amount: NSDecimalNumber(value: abs(amount.doubleValue)), currencyCode: currency.rawValue)
completion(INCurrencyAmountResolutionResult.disambiguation(with: disambiguationArray))
else { // we don't have value
enum EnumCurrency : String {
case EUR = "EUR"
case USD = "USD"
static let allValues = [EUR, USD]
// MARK: - Confirm
func confirm(sendPayment intent: INSendPaymentIntent, completion: @escaping (INSendPaymentIntentResponse) -> Void) {
// success
completion(INSendPaymentIntentResponse(code: INSendPaymentIntentResponseCode.success, userActivity: nil))
// MARK: - Handle
func handle(sendPayment intent: INSendPaymentIntent, completion: @escaping (INSendPaymentIntentResponse) -> Void) {
// just for test
completion(INSendPaymentIntentResponse(code: .failureRequiringAppLaunch, userActivity: userActivity))
5)你可以用Siri启动:你会看到如果你选择中国货币或任何其他非正规货币,然后我在代码中让你在欧元和美元之间进行选择,但之后在RESOLVE函数中(当siri想要时调用更多时间解析货币)你会得到中国货币(所以你不需要像大卫问的那样为按钮添加任何代码,因为所有的按钮界面都将由 Siri 提供)