昨天在 Github 上的 RMagick repo 上传了一条消息,称主要作者无法继续维护该项目,正在寻找新的人来接管。(如果我尝试过这样的工作,我肯定会崩溃!)。你可以在这里查看他们的自述文件:http: //github.com/rmagick/rmagick

在您看来,Rails 3 / Heroku / S3 应用程序应该去哪里,因为它正在尝试使用 Paperclip 进行文件上传?


1 回答 1


I think you are asking about whether to use RMagick or another alternative such as ImageScience. Is that correct? You don't actually need any of those libraries: Paperclip doesn't require them as long as the ImageMagick binaries are available on the app servers.

于 2010-10-26T04:33:21.013 回答