我尝试实现迭代深度 A* 搜索。问题是他走的很正常,而不是我想要的。
来源:S 目的地:G
他应该给出的路径是:SBDHFH F....(他应该找不到节点)因为他总是在某个点得到最低值 H 或 F。
package com.ida.algorithm;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
public class ItDeepAStar {
public static void main(String[] args){
Node s = new Node("S", 12, 0);
Node a = new Node("A", 5, 1);
Node b = new Node("B", 5, 1);
Node c = new Node("C", 5, 2);
Node d = new Node("D", 2, 2);
Node e = new Node("E", 2, 3);
Node f = new Node("F", 1, 4);
Node h = new Node("H", 1, 3);
Node g = new Node("G", 0, 2);
s.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(b, 8),
new Edge(a, 10)
b.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(d, 8),
new Edge(g, 16)
d.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(g, 3),
new Edge(h, 1)
h.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(f, 1)
a.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(g, 10),
new Edge(c, 2)
c.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(e, 3)
e.adjacencies = new Edge[]{
new Edge(g, 2)
AstarSearch(s, g);
List<Node> path = printPath(g);
System.out.println("Path: " + path);
public static List<Node> printPath(Node target){
List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>();
for(Node node = target; node != null; node = node.parent){
return path;
public static void AstarSearch(Node source, Node goal){
Set<Node> explored = new HashSet<Node>();
int level = 0;
PriorityQueue<Node> queue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(8, new Comparator<Node>(){
//override compare method
public int compare(Node i, Node j){
if(i.f_scores > j.f_scores){
return 1;
else if (i.f_scores < j.f_scores){
return -1;
return 0;
//cost from start
source.g_scores = 0;
boolean found = false;
while((!queue.isEmpty()) && (!found)){
//the node in having the lowest f_score value
Node current = queue.poll();
//goal found
found = true;
//check every child of current node
for(Edge o : current.adjacencies){
Node child = o.target;
double cost = o.cost;
double temp_g_scores = current.g_scores + cost;
double temp_f_scores = temp_g_scores + child.h_scores;
/*if child node has been evaluated and
the newer f_score is higher, skip*/
if((explored.contains(child)) && (temp_f_scores >= child.f_scores) ) {
/*else if child node is not in queue or
newer f_score is lower*/
else if((!queue.contains(child)) || (temp_f_scores < child.f_scores) && level == child.adancime){
child.parent = current;
child.g_scores = temp_g_scores;
child.f_scores = temp_f_scores;
class Node{
public int adancime;
public final String value;
public double g_scores;
public final double h_scores;
public double f_scores = 0;
public Edge[] adjacencies = new Edge[]{};
public Node parent;
public Node(String val, double hVal, int adaincime){
value = val;
h_scores = hVal;
this.adancime = adaincime;
public String toString(){
return value;
class Edge{
public final double cost;
public final Node target;
public Edge[] adjacencies = new Edge[]{};
public Edge(Node targetNode, double costVal){
target = targetNode;
cost = costVal;