我正在尝试在 PBS 集群上使用 GNU Parallel 运行许多小型串行作业,每个计算节点都有 16 个内核,因为我打算使用多个计算节点,因此我将选项 -S $SERVERNAME 传递给 GNUParallel,但是让我感到困惑的是使用节点上启动的作业数-S $SERVERNAME不等于我打算生成超过 9 个作业时指定的作业数,以下是我的观察:

[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$ parallel --version
GNU parallel 20160922
Copyright (C) 2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016
Ole Tange and Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
GNU parallel comes with no warranty.

Web site: http://www.gnu.org/software/parallel

When using programs that use GNU Parallel to process data for publication
please cite as described in 'parallel --citation'.
[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$ hostname # this shows my hostname

当使用 GNUParallel 作为本地主机而不使用 -S $SERVERNAME 时,没有问题,我打算生成 10 个作业,而 GNUParallel 启动了 10 个作业:

[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$ parallel --progress echo ::: `seq 1 10`

Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:local / 16 / 10 # 10 jobs spawned, no problem

Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
local:10/0/100%/0.0s 1
local:9/1/100%/0.0s 2
local:8/2/100%/0.0s 3
local:7/3/100%/0.0s 4
local:6/4/100%/0.0s 5
local:5/5/100%/0.0s 6
local:4/6/100%/0.0s 7
local:3/7/100%/0.0s 8
local:2/8/100%/0.0s 9
local:1/9/100%/0.0s 10

当我使用 GNUParallel 生成少于 10 个作业时-S $SERVERNAME,仍然没有问题。

[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 1`

Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 1 # When the number of jobs is less than 10, no problem

Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:1/0/100%/0.0s 1

[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 8`

Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 8 # When the number of jobs is less than 10, no problem

Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:8/0/100%/0.0s 1
shelob001:7/1/100%/1.0s 7
shelob001:6/2/100%/0.5s 3
shelob001:5/3/100%/0.3s 8
shelob001:4/4/100%/0.2s 5
shelob001:3/5/100%/0.2s 2
shelob001:2/6/100%/0.2s 6
shelob001:1/7/100%/0.1s 4

[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 9`

Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 9 # When the number of jobs is less than 10, no problem

Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:9/0/100%/0.0s 1
shelob001:8/1/100%/1.0s 5
shelob001:7/2/100%/0.5s 8
shelob001:6/3/100%/0.3s 2
shelob001:5/4/100%/0.2s 6
shelob001:4/5/100%/0.2s 9
shelob001:3/6/100%/0.2s 3
shelob001:2/7/100%/0.1s 4
shelob001:1/8/100%/0.1s 7

这让我感到困惑,当我尝试使用 >=10 的工作编号时,产生的工作数量总是比想要的少一个,这里我想产生 10 个,只开始了 9 个工作:

[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 10` # I want to start 10 jobs

Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run 
1:shelob001 / 16 / 9   #why here "Max jobs to run" is 9?

Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:9/0/100%/0.0s 2
shelob001:9/1/100%/3.0s 1
shelob001:8/2/100%/1.5s 7
shelob001:7/3/100%/1.0s 4
shelob001:6/4/100%/0.8s 9
shelob001:5/5/100%/0.6s 8
shelob001:4/6/100%/0.5s 3
shelob001:3/7/100%/0.4s 5
shelob001:2/8/100%/0.4s 6
shelob001:1/9/100%/0.4s 10

[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$ parallel -S shelob001 --progress echo ::: `seq 1 11`

Computers / CPU cores / Max jobs to run
1:shelob001 / 16 / 10 # it seems the jobs started is one less than I specified

Computer:jobs running/jobs completed/%of started jobs/Average seconds to complete
shelob001:10/0/100%/0.0s 1
shelob001:10/1/100%/3.0s 2
shelob001:9/2/100%/1.5s 8
shelob001:8/3/100%/1.0s 3
shelob001:7/4/100%/0.8s 4
shelob001:6/5/100%/0.6s 5
shelob001:5/6/100%/0.5s 7
shelob001:4/7/100%/0.4s 10
shelob001:3/8/100%/0.4s 9
shelob001:2/9/100%/0.3s 6
shelob001:1/10/100%/0.4s 11
[fchen14@shelob001 ~]$

我使用“top”检查了计算节点的状态,它确实表明我使用seq 1 10. 希望我已经把我的问题说清楚了,有人能指出这个问题的可能原因吗?欢迎任何建议。



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于 2016-10-21T08:25:31.977 回答