这是我的 JSON 字符串的样子:

    "?xml" : {
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    "DataFeed" : {
        "@FeedName" : "content",
        "now" : "2016-10-17T14:11:38.00",
        "Content" : [{
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                            "@PrimarySymbol" : "GOOGL",
                            "@SecondarySymbol" : "Google",
                            "@BmId" : "1790"
                    "ContentVersion" : {
                        "@versionId" : "1",
                        "@lastVersion" : "true",
                        "@lastPublished" : "true",
                        "Url" : [{
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                                "@SecondarySymbol" : "Some Name 2",
                                "@BmId" : "29"
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                                "@SecondarySymbol" : "Some Name 3",
                                "@BmId" : "36"
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我正在关注从LINQ 到从多态 json 检索 Json 数据的代码示例。我想选择以下内容,但前提是部分中只有一个发行者Symbol并且最新版本的 PDF url:

  • @docId
  • @PrimarySymbol
  • @BmId
  • #cdata-section(但仅适用于最新版本的 PDF)


from content in jsonFeed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Content").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
let issuer = content
        .Select(t => (string)t)
where issuer.FirstOrDefault().Equals("Issuer")
select new 
    DocID = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.@docId"),
    Symbol = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ProductStatus.Symbol.@PrimarySymbol"),
    BMId = (int)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ProductStatus.Symbol.@BmId"),
    PDFUrl = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ContentVersion.Url[3].#cdata-section")

现在,我可以成功获取 Google 的所有字段,但我无法获取 Apple 的 PDFUrl(因为我不知道如何获取最新版本)。另外,我怎样才能完成我的 Where 子句,以便它只选择带有 1 个符号的文档?所以,最后,我的清单将如下图所示:



1 回答 1



以下查询使用了这种技术,并且还使用@type等于"PDF"而不是将其硬编码为位于索引 3 处的 URL 查询(顺便说一下,它实际上位于索引 2 处):

string pdfUrlType = "PDF";
var query =
    (from content in jsonFeed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Content").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
     let issuer = content
             .Select(t => (string)t)
     where issuer.FirstOrDefault().Equals("Issuer")
     // Get the @PrimarySymbol where there is exactly one, or null otherwise.
     let symbol = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ProductStatus.Symbol.@PrimarySymbol")
     // Skip content without a single primary symbol
     where symbol != null
     // Get the last ContentVersion record in the JSON document.
     let lastContentVersion = content
        .Where(v => (bool?)v.SelectToken("@lastVersion") == true)
     // Skip content with no ContentVersion
     where lastContentVersion != null
     // Get the PDF Url record
     let pdfUrl = lastContentVersion.SelectToken("Url")
        .Where(u => (string)u.SelectToken("@type") == pdfUrlType)
     // Skip content with no PDF Url record
     where pdfUrl != null
     select new
         DocID = (string)content.SelectToken("ContentData.@docId"),
         Symbol = symbol,
         BMId = (int?)content.SelectToken("ContentData.ProductStatus.Symbol.@BmId"),
         PDFUrl = (string)pdfUrl.SelectToken("#cdata-section")

如果您实际上想要替代 PDF 网址,请设置

string pdfUrlType = "ALTERNATE PDF";



     let lastContentVersion = content
于 2016-10-24T18:54:36.910 回答