根据 Apache Commons Lang 的文档StringUtils.isNumeric(),字符串 '१२३' 是数字。

由于我认为这可能是文档中的错误,因此我进行了测试以验证该声明。我发现根据 Apache Commons 它数字的。



5 回答 5

于 2016-10-20T08:03:33.737 回答
于 2016-10-20T08:01:40.887 回答

You can use Character#getType to check the character's general category:

System.out.println(Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER == Character.getType('१'));

This will print true, which is an "evidence" that '१' is a digit number.

Now let's examine the unicode value of the '१' character:

// 967

This number is on the range of Devanagari digits - which is: \u0966 through \u096F.

Also try:

Character.UnicodeBlock block = Character.UnicodeBlock.of('१');

Devanagari is:

is an abugida (alphasyllabary) alphabet of India and Nepal

"१२३" is a "123" (Basic Latin unicode).


于 2016-10-20T08:09:39.963 回答

If you ever want to know what properties a particular "character" has (and there are quite a few), go directly to the source: Unicode.org. They have research tools that can show you most anything you would care to know.

KEEP IN MIND: The Unicode Consortium produces a specification, not software. This means that it is up to each software vendor to implement the specification as accurately as they can. So just like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SQL, etc, there is variation between different platforms, languages, and so on. For example, I found a bug in Microsoft's .NET Framework whereby circled Latin letters A-Z and a-z -- Code Points 0x24B6 through 0x24E9 -- do not properly register as being char.IsLetter = true (bug report here). And that leads to unexpected behavior in related functionality, such as when calling the TextInfo.ToTitleCase() method (bug report here).

于 2016-10-20T20:44:37.853 回答

Symbols '१२३' are actually derived from Hindi language(Basically from Sanskrit language i.e Devanagiri) which represent numeric values just like:

१ represent 1

२ represent 2

and like wise

于 2016-10-20T08:06:24.650 回答