I created an server side application which is generating PkPass files using Apple WWDRCA and Pass Type ID cert. My certificates are installed on the server and they are valid until end of 2017 but my Apple Developer account will expire in a few days. I'm wondering will my application continue to work without any issues or I will need to renew my subscription.



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You will continue to be able to issue and update passes until your certificate expires. However, we have experienced problems with clients who have let their developer account lapse and have subsequently lost the PassTypeID.

If you anticipate the need to issue or update these particular passes after the expiry of your certificate, then I'd strongly recommend to renew your Apple developer account now.

于 2016-10-18T11:59:56.037 回答

So even I accepted PassKit answer, here I want to add one note. The accepted answer is correct, no doubts, after my account expired, wallet file generator continued to work because certificates were valid and everything was just fine.

But what happened to me is either bad luck or I don't know. So, when my account expired as I said, everything was fine, except opening wallet files on iPhone. So I was always getting an error "Safari can't download this file". I tried everything but only one thing solved my problem:

New developer account subscription

After I order my new subscription I just generated new Pass Type certificate, updated my web service and server to work with new certs and with new team id and at that point I was able again to load my generated wallet files into iPhone Wallet App.

于 2016-10-28T21:17:26.233 回答