This program will calculate the amortization table for a user. The problem is my assignment requires use of subroutines. I totally forgot about that, any ideas on how to modify this to include subroutines?
public class Summ {
public static void main(String args[]){
double loanamount, monthlypay, annualinterest, monthlyinterest, loanlength; //initialize variables
Scanner stdin = new Scanner (; //create scanner
System.out.println("Please enter your loan amount.");
loanamount = stdin.nextDouble(); // Stores the total loan amount to be payed off
System.out.println("Please enter your monthly payments towards the loan.");
monthlypay = stdin.nextDouble(); //Stores the amount the user pays towards the loan each month
System.out.println("Please enter your annual interest.");
annualinterest = stdin.nextDouble(); //Stores the annual interest
System.out.println("please enter the length of the loan, in months.");
loanlength = stdin.nextDouble(); //Stores the length of the loan in months
monthlyinterest = annualinterest/1200; //Calculates the monthly interest
System.out.println("Payment Number\t\tInterest\t\tPrincipal\t\tEnding Balance"); //Creates the header
double interest, principal; //initialize variables
int i;
/* for loop prints out the interest, principal, and ending
* balance for each month. Works by calculating each,
* printing out that month, then calculating the next month,
* and so on.
for (i = 1; i <= loanlength; i++) {
interest = monthlyinterest * loanamount;
principal = monthlypay - interest;
loanamount = loanamount - principal;
System.out.println(i + "\t\t" + interest
+ "\t\t" + "$" + principal + "\t\t" + "$" + loanamount);