5 回答 5


The problem is that <code> is treated according to the normal rules for HTML markup, and content inside <code> tags is still HTML (The tags exists mainly to drive CSS formatting, not to change the parsing rules).

What you are trying to do is create a different markup language that is very similar, but not identical, to HTML. The simple solution would be to assume certain rules, such as, "<code> and </code> must appear on a line by themselves," and do some pre-processing yourself.

  1. A very simple — though not 100% reliable — technique is to replace ^<code>$ with <code><![CDATA[ and ^</code>$ with ]]></code>. It isn't completely reliable, because if the code block contains ]]>, things will go horribly wrong.
  2. A safer option is to replace dangerous characters inside code blocks (<, > and & probably suffice) with their equivalent character entity references (&lt;, &gt; and &amp;). You can do this by passing each block of code you identify to cgi.escape(code_block).

Once you've completed preprocessing, submit the result to BeautifulSoup as usual.

于 2010-10-24T07:44:37.610 回答

来自Python 维基

>>>import cgi

...               convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
于 2010-10-24T07:50:59.343 回答



>>> print html
I like this article, but the third code example <em>could have been simpler</em>:

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    int main()
        printf("Hello World\n");

>>> import markdown2
>>> marked = markdown2.markdown(html)
>>> marked
u'<p>I like this article, but the third code example <em>could have been simpler</em>:</p>\n\n<pre><code>#include &lt;stdbool.h&gt;\n#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;\n\nint main()\n{\n    printf("Hello World\\n");\n}\n</code></pre>\n'
>>> print marked
<p>I like this article, but the third code example <em>could have been simpler</em>:</p>

<pre><code>#include &lt;stdbool.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

int main()
    printf("Hello World\n");

如果您仍需要使用 BeautifulSoup 导航和编辑它,请执行以下操作。如果您需要重新插入“<”和“>”(而不是“<”和“>”),请包括实体转换。

soup = BeautifulSoup(marked, 
>>> soup
<p>I like this article, but the third code example <em>could have been simpler</em>:</p>
<pre><code>#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    printf("Hello World\n");

def thickened(soup):
    blah blah <entity> blah
    codez = soup.findAll('code') # get the code tags
    for code in codez:
        # take all the contents inside of the code tags and convert
        # them into a single string
        escape_me = ''.join([k.__str__() for k in code.contents])
        escaped = cgi.escape(escape_me) # escape them with cgi
        code.replaceWith('<code>%s</code>' % escaped) # replace Tag objects with escaped string
    return soup
于 2011-10-06T21:14:29.020 回答

不幸的是,无法阻止 BeautifulSoup 解析代码块。



soup = BeautifulSoup(unicode(content))
code_blocks = soup.findAll(u'code')
for block in code_blocks:
    block.replaceWith(u'<code class="removed"></code>')

2) 进行通常的解析以去除不允许的标签。


stripped_code = stripped_soup.findAll(u"code", u"removed")
# re-insert pygment formatted code


于 2010-10-24T07:49:59.897 回答

如果<code>元素在代码中包含未转义<的 , &,>字符,则它不是有效的 html。BeautifulSoup将尝试将其转换为有效的 html。这可能不是你想要的。

要将文本转换为有效的 html,您可以调整从 html 中剥离标签的正则表达式,以从块中提取文本<code>并将其替换为cgi.escape()版本。如果没有嵌套<code>标签,它应该可以正常工作。之后,您可以将经过清理的 html 提供给BeautifulSoup.

于 2011-10-06T23:44:48.033 回答